



    @Override    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedState) {        super.onCreate(savedState);        ...        if (mIsShowingDashboard) {            // Run the Index update only if we have some space            if (!Utils.isLowStorage(this)) {                Index.getInstance(getApplicationContext()).update();//1            } else {                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Cannot update the Indexer as we are running low on storage space!");            }        }      ...    }    @Override    public void onConfigurationChanged(Configuration newConfig) {        super.onConfigurationChanged(newConfig);        Index.getInstance(this).update();//2    }



    public void update() {        final Intent intent = new Intent(SearchIndexablesContract.PROVIDER_INTERFACE);        List list =                mContext.getPackageManager().queryIntentContentProviders(intent, 0);//1        final int size = list.size();        for (int n = 0; n < size; n++) {            final ResolveInfo info = list.get(n);            if (!isWellKnownProvider(info)) {                continue;            }            final String authority = info.providerInfo.authority;            final String packageName = info.providerInfo.packageName;            addIndexablesFromRemoteProvider(packageName, authority);//2            addNonIndexablesKeysFromRemoteProvider(packageName, authority);//3        }        updateInternal();//4    }


    public static final String PROVIDER_INTERFACE =            "android.content.action.SEARCH_INDEXABLES_PROVIDER";





    private static Uri buildUriForXmlResources(String authority) {        return Uri.parse("content://" + authority + "/" +                SearchIndexablesContract.INDEXABLES_XML_RES_PATH);    }    private boolean addIndexablesFromRemoteProvider(String packageName, String authority) {        try {            final int baseRank = Ranking.getBaseRankForAuthority(authority);            final Context context = mBaseAuthority.equals(authority) ?                    mContext : mContext.createPackageContext(packageName, 0);            final Uri uriForResources = buildUriForXmlResources(authority);//1            addIndexablesForXmlResourceUri(context, packageName, uriForResources,                    SearchIndexablesContract.INDEXABLES_XML_RES_COLUMNS, baseRank);            final Uri uriForRawData = buildUriForRawData(authority);            addIndexablesForRawDataUri(context, packageName, uriForRawData,                    SearchIndexablesContract.INDEXABLES_RAW_COLUMNS, baseRank);            return true;        } catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Could not create context for " + packageName + ": "                    + Log.getStackTraceString(e));            return false;        }    }    private void addIndexablesForXmlResourceUri(Context packageContext, String packageName,            Uri uri, String[] projection, int baseRank) {        final ContentResolver resolver = packageContext.getContentResolver();        final Cursor cursor = resolver.query(uri, projection, null, null, null);//2        if (cursor == null) {            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Cannot add index data for Uri: " + uri.toString());            return;        }        try {            final int count = cursor.getCount();            if (count > 0) {                while (cursor.moveToNext()) {                    final int providerRank = cursor.getInt(COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_RANK);                    final int rank = (providerRank > 0) ? baseRank + providerRank : baseRank;                    final int xmlResId = cursor.getInt(COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_RESID);                    final String className = cursor.getString(COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_CLASS_NAME);                    final int iconResId = cursor.getInt(COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_ICON_RESID);                    final String action = cursor.getString(COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_ACTION);                    final String targetPackage = cursor.getString(                            COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_TARGET_PACKAGE);                    final String targetClass = cursor.getString(                            COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_TARGET_CLASS);                    SearchIndexableResource sir = new SearchIndexableResource(packageContext);                    sir.rank = rank;                    sir.xmlResId = xmlResId;                    sir.className = className;                    sir.packageName = packageName;                    sir.iconResId = iconResId;                    sir.intentAction = action;                    sir.intentTargetPackage = targetPackage;                    sir.intentTargetClass = targetClass;                    addIndexableData(sir);//3                }            }        } finally {            cursor.close();        }    }public void addIndexableData(SearchIndexableData data) {        synchronized (mDataToProcess) {            mDataToProcess.dataToUpdate.add(data);        }    }


    /**     * Indexable reference names.     */    public static final String INDEXABLES_XML_RES = "indexables_xml_res";    /**     * ContentProvider path for indexable xml resources.     */    public static final String INDEXABLES_XML_RES_PATH = SETTINGS + "/" + INDEXABLES_XML_RES;

注释2处查询此uri的数据,uri中的com.android.settings 对应的就是android:authorities="com.android.settings",通过此我们可以知道对应的provider为SettingsSearchIndexablesProvider


public class SettingsSearchIndexablesProvider extends SearchIndexablesProvider {    private static final String TAG = "SettingsSearchIndexablesProvider";    @Override    public boolean onCreate() {        return true;    }    @Override    public Cursor queryXmlResources(String[] projection) {        MatrixCursor cursor = new MatrixCursor(INDEXABLES_XML_RES_COLUMNS);        Collection values = SearchIndexableResources.values();//3        for (SearchIndexableResource val : values) {            Object[] ref = new Object[7];            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_RANK] = val.rank;            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_RESID] = val.xmlResId;            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_CLASS_NAME] = val.className;            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_ICON_RESID] = val.iconResId;            /* SPRD 494558 ,add the search for Timer Switch Machine            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_ACTION] = null; // intent action            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_TARGET_PACKAGE] = null; // intent target package            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_TARGET_CLASS] = null; // intent target class            @{ */            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_ACTION] = val.intentAction;//intent action            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_TARGET_PACKAGE] = val.intentTargetPackage;//intent target package            ref[COLUMN_INDEX_XML_RES_INTENT_TARGET_CLASS] = val.intentTargetClass;//intent targetclass            /* @} */            cursor.addRow(ref);        }        return cursor;    }    }

SearchIndexablesProvider .java

public abstract class SearchIndexablesProvider extends ContentProvider {    private static final String TAG = "IndexablesProvider";    private String mAuthority;    private UriMatcher mMatcher;    private static final int MATCH_RES_CODE = 1;    private static final int MATCH_RAW_CODE = 2;    private static final int MATCH_NON_INDEXABLE_KEYS_CODE = 3;    /**     * Implementation is provided by the parent class.     */    @Override    public void attachInfo(Context context, ProviderInfo info) {        mAuthority = info.authority;        mMatcher = new UriMatcher(UriMatcher.NO_MATCH);        mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, SearchIndexablesContract.INDEXABLES_XML_RES_PATH,                MATCH_RES_CODE);//1        mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, SearchIndexablesContract.INDEXABLES_RAW_PATH,                MATCH_RAW_CODE);        mMatcher.addURI(mAuthority, SearchIndexablesContract.NON_INDEXABLES_KEYS_PATH,                MATCH_NON_INDEXABLE_KEYS_CODE);        // Sanity check our setup        if (!info.exported) {            throw new SecurityException("Provider must be exported");        }        if (!info.grantUriPermissions) {            throw new SecurityException("Provider must grantUriPermissions");        }        if (!android.Manifest.permission.READ_SEARCH_INDEXABLES.equals(info.readPermission)) {            throw new SecurityException("Provider must be protected by READ_SEARCH_INDEXABLES");        }        super.attachInfo(context, info);    }    @Override    public Cursor query(Uri uri, String[] projection, String selection, String[] selectionArgs,                        String sortOrder) {        switch (mMatcher.match(uri)) {            case MATCH_RES_CODE:                return queryXmlResources(null);//2            case MATCH_RAW_CODE:                return queryRawData(null);            case MATCH_NON_INDEXABLE_KEYS_CODE:                return queryNonIndexableKeys(null);            default:                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Unknown Uri " + uri);        }    }



private static HashMap sResMap =            new HashMap();    static {        sResMap.put(WifiSettings.class.getName(),                new SearchIndexableResource(                        Ranking.getRankForClassName(WifiSettings.class.getName()),                        NO_DATA_RES_ID,                        WifiSettings.class.getName(),                        R.drawable.ic_settings_wireless));        ...        sResMap.put(SavedAccessPointsWifiSettings.class.getName(),                new SearchIndexableResource(                        Ranking.getRankForClassName(SavedAccessPointsWifiSettings.class.getName()),                        R.xml.wifi_display_saved_access_points,                        SavedAccessPointsWifiSettings.class.getName(),                        R.drawable.ic_settings_wireless));//1        sResMap.put(DisplaySettings.class.getName(),                new SearchIndexableResource(                        Ranking.getRankForClassName(DisplaySettings.class.getName()),                        NO_DATA_RES_ID,                        DisplaySettings.class.getName(),                        R.drawable.ic_settings_display));//2        ...     }     public static Collection values() {        return sResMap.values();     }


六.IndexDatabaseHelper .java

private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "search_index.db";public interface Tables {        public static final String TABLE_PREFS_INDEX = "prefs_index";        public static final String TABLE_META_INDEX = "meta_index";        public static final String TABLE_SAVED_QUERIES = "saved_queries";    }    public static synchronized IndexDatabaseHelper getInstance(Context context) {        if (sSingleton == null) {            sSingleton = new IndexDatabaseHelper(context);        }        return sSingleton;    }    public IndexDatabaseHelper(Context context) {        super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);    }    @Override    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {        bootstrapDB(db);    }    private void bootstrapDB(SQLiteDatabase db) {        db.execSQL(CREATE_INDEX_TABLE);        db.execSQL(CREATE_META_TABLE);        db.execSQL(CREATE_SAVED_QUERIES_TABLE);        db.execSQL(INSERT_BUILD_VERSION);        Log.i(TAG, "Bootstrapped database");    }


    private void updateInternal() {        synchronized (mDataToProcess) {            final UpdateIndexTask task = new UpdateIndexTask();            UpdateData copy = mDataToProcess.copy();            task.execute(copy);            mDataToProcess.clear();        }    }    private class UpdateIndexTask extends AsyncTask {        @Override        protected Void doInBackground(UpdateData... params) {            final List dataToUpdate = params[0].dataToUpdate;            final List dataToDelete = params[0].dataToDelete;            final Map> nonIndexableKeys = params[0].nonIndexableKeys;            final boolean forceUpdate = params[0].forceUpdate;            final SQLiteDatabase database = getWritableDatabase();//1            if (database == null) {                Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cannot update Index as I cannot get a writable database");                return null;            }            final String localeStr = Locale.getDefault().toString();            try {                database.beginTransaction();                if (dataToDelete.size() > 0) {                    processDataToDelete(database, localeStr, dataToDelete);                }                if (dataToUpdate.size() > 0) {                    processDataToUpdate(database, localeStr, dataToUpdate, nonIndexableKeys,                            forceUpdate);                }                database.setTransactionSuccessful();            } finally {                database.endTransaction();            }            return null;        }        private boolean processDataToUpdate(SQLiteDatabase database, String localeStr,                List dataToUpdate, Map> nonIndexableKeys,                boolean forceUpdate) {            if (!forceUpdate && isLocaleAlreadyIndexed(database, localeStr)) {                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Locale '" + localeStr + "' is already indexed");                return true;            }            boolean result = false;            final long current = System.currentTimeMillis();            final int count = dataToUpdate.size();            for (int n = 0; n < count; n++) {                final SearchIndexableData data = dataToUpdate.get(n);                try {                    indexOneSearchIndexableData(database, localeStr, data, nonIndexableKeys);//2                } catch (Exception e) {                    Log.e(LOG_TAG,                            "Cannot index: " + data.className + " for locale: " + localeStr, e);                }            }            final long now = System.currentTimeMillis();            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Indexing locale '" + localeStr + "' took " +                    (now - current) + " millis");            return result;        }    }private void indexOneSearchIndexableData(SQLiteDatabase database, String localeStr,            SearchIndexableData data, Map> nonIndexableKeys) {        if (data instanceof SearchIndexableResource) {            indexOneResource(database, localeStr, (SearchIndexableResource) data, nonIndexableKeys);//3        } else if (data instanceof SearchIndexableRaw) {            indexOneRaw(database, localeStr, (SearchIndexableRaw) data);        }    }private void indexOneResource(SQLiteDatabase database, String localeStr,            SearchIndexableResource sir, Map> nonIndexableKeysFromResource) {        if (sir == null) {            Log.e(LOG_TAG, "Cannot index a null resource!");            return;        }        final List nonIndexableKeys = new ArrayList();        if (sir.xmlResId > SearchIndexableResources.NO_DATA_RES_ID) {            List resNonIndxableKeys = nonIndexableKeysFromResource.get(sir.packageName);            if (resNonIndxableKeys != null && resNonIndxableKeys.size() > 0) {                nonIndexableKeys.addAll(resNonIndxableKeys);            }            indexFromResource(sir.context, database, localeStr,                    sir.xmlResId, sir.className, sir.iconResId, sir.rank,                    sir.intentAction, sir.intentTargetPackage, sir.intentTargetClass,                    nonIndexableKeys);        } else {            if (TextUtils.isEmpty(sir.className)) {                Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Cannot index an empty Search Provider name!");                return;            }            final Class<?> clazz = getIndexableClass(sir.className);//8            if (clazz == null) {                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "SearchIndexableResource '" + sir.className +                        "' should implement the " + Indexable.class.getName() + " interface!");                return;            }            // Will be non null only for a Local provider implementing a            // SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER field            final Indexable.SearchIndexProvider provider = getSearchIndexProvider(clazz);//9            if (provider != null) {                List providerNonIndexableKeys = provider.getNonIndexableKeys(sir.context);                if (providerNonIndexableKeys != null && providerNonIndexableKeys.size() > 0) {                    nonIndexableKeys.addAll(providerNonIndexableKeys);                }                indexFromProvider(mContext, database, localeStr, provider, sir.className,                        sir.iconResId, sir.rank, sir.enabled, nonIndexableKeys);//4            }        }    }    private void indexFromProvider(Context context, SQLiteDatabase database, String localeStr,            Indexable.SearchIndexProvider provider, String className, int iconResId, int rank,            boolean enabled, List nonIndexableKeys) {        if (provider == null) {            Log.w(LOG_TAG, "Cannot find provider: " + className);            return;        }        final List rawList = provider.getRawDataToIndex(context, enabled);        if (rawList != null) {            final int rawSize = rawList.size();            for (int i = 0; i < rawSize; i++) {                SearchIndexableRaw raw = rawList.get(i);                // Should be the same locale as the one we are processing                if (!raw.locale.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(localeStr)) {                    continue;                }                if (nonIndexableKeys.contains(raw.key)) {                    continue;                }                updateOneRowWithFilteredData(database, localeStr,                        raw.title,                        raw.summaryOn,                        raw.summaryOff,                        raw.entries,                        className,                        raw.screenTitle,                        iconResId,                        rank,                        raw.keywords,                        raw.intentAction,                        raw.intentTargetPackage,                        raw.intentTargetClass,                        raw.enabled,                        raw.key,                        raw.userId);            }        }        final List resList =                provider.getXmlResourcesToIndex(context, enabled);        if (resList != null) {            final int resSize = resList.size();            for (int i = 0; i < resSize; i++) {                SearchIndexableResource item = resList.get(i);                // Should be the same locale as the one we are processing                if (!item.locale.toString().equalsIgnoreCase(localeStr)) {                    continue;                }                final int itemIconResId = (item.iconResId == 0) ? iconResId : item.iconResId;                final int itemRank = (item.rank == 0) ? rank : item.rank;                String itemClassName = (TextUtils.isEmpty(item.className))                        ? className : item.className;                indexFromResource(context, database, localeStr,                        item.xmlResId, itemClassName, itemIconResId, itemRank,                        item.intentAction, item.intentTargetPackage,                        item.intentTargetClass, nonIndexableKeys);//5            }        }    }    private void updateOneRowWithFilteredData(SQLiteDatabase database, String locale,            String title, String summaryOn, String summaryOff, String entries,            String className,            String screenTitle, int iconResId, int rank, String keywords,            String intentAction, String intentTargetPackage, String intentTargetClass,            boolean enabled, String key, int userId) {        final String updatedTitle = normalizeHyphen(title);        final String updatedSummaryOn = normalizeHyphen(summaryOn);        final String updatedSummaryOff = normalizeHyphen(summaryOff);        final String normalizedTitle = normalizeString(updatedTitle);        final String normalizedSummaryOn = normalizeString(updatedSummaryOn);        final String normalizedSummaryOff = normalizeString(updatedSummaryOff);        updateOneRow(database, locale,                updatedTitle, normalizedTitle, updatedSummaryOn, normalizedSummaryOn,                updatedSummaryOff, normalizedSummaryOff, entries,                className, screenTitle, iconResId,                rank, keywords, intentAction, intentTargetPackage, intentTargetClass, enabled,                key, userId);//6    }    private void updateOneRow(SQLiteDatabase database, String locale,            String updatedTitle, String normalizedTitle,            String updatedSummaryOn, String normalizedSummaryOn,            String updatedSummaryOff, String normalizedSummaryOff, String entries,            String className, String screenTitle, int iconResId, int rank, String keywords,            String intentAction, String intentTargetPackage, String intentTargetClass,            boolean enabled, String key, int userId) {        if (TextUtils.isEmpty(updatedTitle)) {            return;        }        // The DocID should contains more than the title string itself (you may have two settings        // with the same title). So we need to use a combination of the title and the screenTitle.        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(updatedTitle);        sb.append(screenTitle);        int docId = sb.toString().hashCode();        ContentValues values = new ContentValues();        values.put(IndexColumns.DOCID, docId);        values.put(IndexColumns.LOCALE, locale);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_RANK, rank);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_TITLE, updatedTitle);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_TITLE_NORMALIZED, normalizedTitle);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_SUMMARY_ON, updatedSummaryOn);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_SUMMARY_ON_NORMALIZED, normalizedSummaryOn);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_SUMMARY_OFF, updatedSummaryOff);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_SUMMARY_OFF_NORMALIZED, normalizedSummaryOff);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_ENTRIES, entries);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_KEYWORDS, keywords);        values.put(IndexColumns.CLASS_NAME, className);        values.put(IndexColumns.SCREEN_TITLE, screenTitle);        values.put(IndexColumns.INTENT_ACTION, intentAction);        values.put(IndexColumns.INTENT_TARGET_PACKAGE, intentTargetPackage);        values.put(IndexColumns.INTENT_TARGET_CLASS, intentTargetClass);        values.put(IndexColumns.ICON, iconResId);        values.put(IndexColumns.ENABLED, enabled);        values.put(IndexColumns.DATA_KEY_REF, key);        values.put(IndexColumns.USER_ID, userId);        database.replaceOrThrow(Tables.TABLE_PREFS_INDEX, null, values);//7    }   private static Class<?> getIndexableClass(String className) {        final Class<?> clazz;        try {            clazz = Class.forName(className);        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Cannot find class: " + className);            return null;        }        return isIndexableClass(clazz) ? clazz : null;    }    private static final String FIELD_NAME_SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER =            "SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER";    private Indexable.SearchIndexProvider getSearchIndexProvider(final Class<?> clazz) {        try {            final Field f = clazz.getField(FIELD_NAME_SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER);            return (Indexable.SearchIndexProvider) f.get(null);        } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Cannot find field '" + FIELD_NAME_SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER + "'");        } catch (SecurityException se) {            Log.d(LOG_TAG,                    "Security exception for field '" + FIELD_NAME_SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER + "'");        } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {            Log.d(LOG_TAG,                    "Illegal access to field '" + FIELD_NAME_SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER + "'");        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {            Log.d(LOG_TAG,                    "Illegal argument when accessing field '" +                            FIELD_NAME_SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER + "'");        }        return null;    }



     public static final Indexable.SearchIndexProvider SEARCH_INDEX_DATA_PROVIDER =            new BaseSearchIndexProvider() {                @Override                public List getXmlResourcesToIndex(Context context,                        boolean enabled) {                    ArrayList result =                            new ArrayList();                    SearchIndexableResource sir = new SearchIndexableResource(context);                    sir.xmlResId = R.xml.display_settings;//1                    result.add(sir);                    return result;                }                @Override                public List getNonIndexableKeys(Context context) {                    ArrayList result = new ArrayList();                    if (!context.getResources().getBoolean(                            com.android.internal.R.bool.config_dreamsSupported)) {                        result.add(KEY_SCREEN_SAVER);                    }                    if (!isAutomaticBrightnessAvailable(context.getResources())) {                        result.add(KEY_AUTO_BRIGHTNESS);                    }                    if (!isLiftToWakeAvailable(context)) {                        result.add(KEY_LIFT_TO_WAKE);                    }                    if (!isDozeAvailable(context)) {                        result.add(KEY_DOZE);                    }                    if (!RotationPolicy.isRotationLockToggleVisible(context)) {                        result.add(KEY_AUTO_ROTATE);                    }                    if (!isTapToWakeAvailable(context.getResources())) {                        result.add(KEY_TAP_TO_WAKE);                    }                    /* Sprd: for bug 510399 @{ */                    if (!mHasTouchLight) {                        result.add(KEY_TOUCH_LIGHT);                    }                    /* @} */                    return result;                }            };





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