I use SQL Server and have simple table:

我使用SQL Server并有简单的表:

Person (ID bigint, Name nvarchar(255))

It contains 1000 rows (for example). I'm using this SQL query:


Update Person
Set Name = 'Jason' 
Where Id = 100

I want to understand how SQL Server will do read/write locking. Will it block one row (which I'm updating) or will it block all Person table?

我想了解SQL Server如何进行读/写锁定。它会阻塞一行(我正在更新)还是会阻止所有Person表?

Will the situation change if I will use query?


Update Person
Set Name = 'Jason' 
Where Name = 'Piter'

1 个解决方案


I suggest you to read this SQL Server Transaction Locking and Row Versioning Guide.

我建议你阅读这个SQL Server事务锁定和行版本控制指南。

In general, your query will take update lock on the row which is updated, unless server decides that it should use lock escalation and locks page or table/index.



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