I have a scoreboard... This scoreboard is a series of inline-block divs to keep it horizontal:


<div class="top">

    <div class="score1 color0 inline slow">
        <div class="inner color3 slow">
            <div class="title">0</div>

    <div class="player1 color0 inline slow">
        <div class="inner color2 slow">
            <div class="title">KDZaster</div>

    <div class="round color0 inline slow">
        <div class="inner color1 slow">
            <div class="title">Grand Finals</div>

    <div class="player2 color0 inline slow">
        <div class="inner color2 slow">
            <div class="title">DarthArma</div>

    <div class="score2 color0 inline slow">
        <div class="inner color3 slow">
            <div class="title">0</div>


I have included a jsFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/Lsxhmky7/


This page has a whole bunch of animations that I am doing with both CSS and jQuery (which are not included in the jsFiddle)... I've got all the animations working, except one.


One of the things I would like to do is so that the two score arrows on the left and right sides slide in from the edges of the screen.


I know I can do this with absolute positioning, but this grid doesn't have anything else in absolute positions, and I don't want it to be. I want it to be inline so that if widths of certain elements have to change, the page moves with it.


Is there a way I can animate the moving of these two elements from offscreen, while maintaining the inline positioning of all other blocks?


2 个解决方案



Fairly simple with transform: translate();


Move the arrow offscreen by default using transformX, then animate it moving back into position.


animation: slideInLeft 2s 1 forwards;

动画:slideInLeft 2s 1前锋;

animation: [name] [length] [iterations] [end]

动画:[名称] [长度] [迭代] [结束]

This runs the animation only once, for 2 seconds then stops at the end state.


.score1 {
    width: var(--score-width);
    -webkit-clip-path: polygon(
        0 0,
        0 calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
        0 var(--main-height),
        calc(var(--score-width) - var(--arrow-width)) var(--main-height),
        var(--score-width) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
        calc(var(--score-width) - var(--arrow-width)) 0
  transform: translateX(-100px);
  animation: slideInLeft 2s 1 forwards;

@keyframes slideInLeft {
  from { transform: translate(-100px); }
  to { transform: translateX(0); }

Reverse for the right arrow.


:root {
	--main-color0: rgba(000,000,000,0.5);
	--main-color1: rgba(255,000,000,0.5);
	--main-color2: rgba(000,255,255,0.5);
	--main-color3: rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
	--main-height: 50px;
	--main-gutter: -10px;
	--main-padding: 10px;
	--main-border: 4px;
	--font-family: 'Franklin Gothic';
	--font-color: #FFFFFF;
	--font-large: 24px;
	--font-small: 14px;
	--font-shadow: 1px 1px 0 #000, 1px -1px 0 #000, -1px 1px 0 #000, -1px -1px 0 #000;

	--arrow-width: 15px;
	--round-width: 180px;
	--player-width: 300px;
	--score-width: 50px;
	--out-speed: 0.5s;
	--in-speed: 2s;

body {
	color: var(--font-color);
	font-family: var(--font-family);
	font-size: var(--font-large);
	text-shadow: var(--font-shadow);
	line-height: var(--main-height);

	margin: 10px 0;
	text-align: center;
	background-color: #ccc;

.slow { transition: all var(--in-speed) ease; }
.fast { transition: all var(--out-speed) linear; }
.inline { display: inline-block; vertical-align: middle; margin: 0 -7px; }
.inner { -webkit-clip-path: inset(var(--main-border) 0); }

.color0 { background-color: var(--main-color0); }
.color1 { background-color: var(--main-color1); }
.color2 { background-color: var(--main-color2); }
.color3 { background-color: var(--main-color3); }

.title {
	overflow: hidden;
	text-overflow: ellipsis;
	white-space: nowrap;
	padding: 0 10px;

.round {
	font-size: var(--font-small);
	text-transform: uppercase;
	width: var(--round-width);
	-webkit-clip-path: polygon(
		var(--arrow-width) 0,
		0 calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		var(--arrow-width) var(--main-height),
		calc(var(--round-width) - var(--arrow-width)) var(--main-height),
		var(--round-width) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		calc(var(--round-width) - var(--arrow-width)) 0

.player1 {
	width: var(--player-width);
	-webkit-clip-path: polygon(
		0 0,
		var(--arrow-width) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		0 var(--main-height),
		var(--player-width) var(--main-height),
		calc(var(--player-width) - var(--arrow-width)) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		var(--player-width) 0
.player2 {
	width: var(--player-width);
	-webkit-clip-path: polygon(
		0 0,
		var(--arrow-width) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		0 var(--main-height),
		var(--player-width) var(--main-height),
		calc(var(--player-width) - var(--arrow-width)) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		var(--player-width) 0
.player1 .title { padding: 0 20px; text-align: right; }
.player2 .title { padding: 0 20px; text-align: left; }

.score1 {
	width: var(--score-width);
	-webkit-clip-path: polygon(
		0 0,
		0 calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		0 var(--main-height),
		calc(var(--score-width) - var(--arrow-width)) var(--main-height),
		var(--score-width) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		calc(var(--score-width) - var(--arrow-width)) 0
  transform: translateX(-100px);
  animation: slideInLeft 2s 1 forwards;

@keyframes slideInLeft {
  from { transform: translate(-100px); }
  to { transform: translateX(0); }
.score2 {
	width: var(--score-width);
	-webkit-clip-path: polygon(
		var(--arrow-width) 0,
		0 calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		var(--arrow-width) var(--main-height),
		var(--score-width) var(--main-height),
		var(--score-width) calc(var(--main-height) / 2),
		var(--score-width) 0

.score1 .title { padding: 0 20px 0 0; text-align: right; }
.score2 .title { padding: 0 0 0 20px; text-align: left; }
	<div class="top">
		<div class="score1 color0 inline slow">
			<div class="inner color3 slow">
				<div class="title">0</div>
		<div class="player1 color0 inline slow">
			<div class="inner color2 slow">
				<div class="title">KDZaster</div>
		<div class="round color0 inline slow">
			<div class="inner color1 slow">
				<div class="title">Grand Finals</div>
		<div class="player2 color0 inline slow">
			<div class="inner color2 slow">
				<div class="title">DarthArma</div>
		<div class="score2 color0 inline slow">
			<div class="inner color3 slow">
				<div class="title">0</div>


  1. Python:内联if语句别无效
  2. Vue绑定内联样式问题
  3. 提供一个Android原生的Progress——SwipeToRefreshLayout下拉刷
  4. Android 5.X Activity过渡动画,以及漂亮的共享元素效果
  5. Android动画精讲一:从setTranslationX谈属性动画和view动画的区别
  6. [置顶] Animation之TranslateAnimation(平移动画)
  7. Android 属性动画(Property Animation)
  8. Android使用SVG矢量图打造酷炫动画效果
  9. Button点击缩放动画效果


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