I'm trying to optimize the following query:


            SELECT name  
            FROM  tbl 
            WHERE user_id
                IN (".$user_ids.") 
            GROUP BY name ORDER BY SUM(counter) DESC LIMIT 10

Tbl info: name is VARCHAR, counter and user_id are INTs. user_id, name is unique.

Tbl信息:名字是VARCHAR, counter和user_id是INTs。user_id,名字是独一无二的。

I've tried adding IDX(user_id, counter, name) but in EXPLAIN I'm still seeing Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort so I guess I'm doing something wrong.

我试过添加IDX(user_id, counter, name),但在解释中,我仍然可以看到使用的位置;使用索引;使用临时的;使用文件,我想我做错了。

What is the proper index for such a query?


2 个解决方案



The correct index is IDX(user_id, name, counter), but the query needs additional computations after the data is taken from the index. If the amount of different names is about 10 there is hardly anything you can do (the most of the time is taken by the sum operation), but if there are many different names, you can reduce sorting by using some empirical knowledge about the SUM(counter) threshold:

正确的索引是IDX(user_id、name、counter),但是在从索引中获取数据之后,查询需要额外的计算。如果不同的名字的数量大约是10,那么你几乎没有什么可以做的(大部分时间都是由sum操作完成的),但是如果有很多不同的名称,你可以通过使用一些关于sum (counter)阈值的经验知识来减少排序:

SELECT name  
FROM  tbl 
WHERE user_id IN (".$user_ids.") 
HAVING SUM(counter) > 1000 -- adjust the threshold 

UPD1. Hm, if you say that you've tried the IDX(user_id, name, counter) index and the performance is the same, I actually can not see the reason why it is slow, unless you pass several hundred user ids (in which case the time is spent for the query parsing and not for the execution).


UPD2. MySQL IN operator does some additional magic:


Returns 1 if expr is equal to any of the values in the IN list, else returns 0. If all values are constants, they are evaluated according to the type of expr and sorted. The search for the item then is done using a binary search.


That means if you pass INT values into the operator IN (1,2,3), they are sorted as INTS, if you serialize integers that are stored as strings IN ('1', '11', '111', '12') they are sorted in lexicographical order. The rationale of the sorting is to eliminate random index reads, which is significant when you pass a lot of values into the operator.



  1. Mysql order by语句未使用索引的思考
  2. Alibaba Java开发手册索引规约学习笔记


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