I'm trying to write a simple web chat app with PHP and AJAX.


I need to be aware of all the open sessions so that I can display a list of online users that are available to talk to. I also need to be aware of log outs because I use "both the sending and the receiving party are offline" as a condition for considering a chat session terminated and deleting the messages.


I'm keeping track of logged in users in a database: adding an entry on log-in and removing it on log-out works fine, but it's not comprehensive, as there are two other ways a user can become logged out:


  • server side session expires after inactivity.
  • 服务器端会话在不活动后过期。
  • client side cookie gets destroyed on browser close. Seems like a bad idea to use some sort of onclose triggered AJAX (what if the browser crashes or something?).
  • 客户端cookie在浏览器关闭时被销毁。使用某种onclose触发的AJAX似乎是个坏主意(如果浏览器崩溃了怎么办?)

Simplest solution seems to be keeping a timestamp of last activity. I see some problems with this though:


  • AFAIK server-side expiry is chance based, so it wouldn't be accurate (and if I get the expiry time 3 minutes wrong, that's 3 minutes where some guy could be talking to an offline user wondering why no one is answering)
  • AFAIK服务器端过期是基于机会的,所以它不会是准确的(如果我的失效时间是3分钟,那是3分钟,有些人可能会和一个离线用户聊天,想知道为什么没有人回答)
  • I'd have to constantly be querying the database to check every logged in users' last activity time compared to the current time. I don't see when / where I'd do this efficiently. It seems stupid to do this every single time the list of online users is needed.
  • 与当前时间相比,我必须不断地查询数据库,以检查用户上一次的活动时间。我不知道什么时候/在哪里我能有效地做这件事。每次需要在线用户列表时都这么做似乎很愚蠢。

Any help appreciated. I'm coding this myself because I'm not aware of any web chat frameworks that can integrate with my existing user database, do correct me if I'm wrong.


7 个解决方案



I don't think you're going to be able to do much to mitigate the constant querying to determine if users have logged off by closing the browser, internet connection issues, etc., but you could perhaps have each client make an AJAX request to the server every 5 seconds to update the last activity time, and have your application on the server consider the user "logged off" if they have missed 3-4 consecutive requests (ie, their last activity time is > 20 seconds).

我不认为你能做得减轻常数查询来确定用户注销关闭浏览器,网络连接问题,等等,但是你可能有每个客户端向服务器发出一个AJAX请求每5秒钟更新最后的活动时间,和您的应用程序服务器上的考虑用户“注销”,如果他们错过了3 - 4个请求(即最后一次活动时间> 20秒)。

On the client side, you could then check the last activity time every time your client sends a message to another user, and respond that they'd logged off if that had happened. If they attemped to open a chat with another user, you could also do an immediate call to check their status. Then you could perhaps check the status of all users in the user list every 30 seconds. That way your client gets pretty quick feedback if the person (s)he is chatting with drops offline unexpectedly.



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