I'm using an API right now and it provides an epochTime. I've tried everything to convert this epochtime to date, but it doesn't seem to be working including $epoch_time / 1000 and then using the date() function to convert it.

我现在正在使用API​​,它提供了一个epochTime。我已经尝试了将这个纪元时间转换为日期的所有内容,但它似乎没有工作,包括$ epoch_time / 1000然后使用date()函数来转换它。

The epoch time looks something like this 1353430853299. Is there a way to do this? strtotime() did not work either.

纪元时间看起来像1353430853299.有没有办法做到这一点? strtotime()也没有用。

It seems that all of the other readings about epoch time are about changing date to epochtime, but I'm looking to go the other way around. Any help is greatly appreciated.


5 个解决方案



Fixed it using substr($epoch, 0, 10) and then used the date function for anyone wondering about the 13 digit epoch times.

使用substr($ epoch,0,10)修复它,然后对任何想知道13位纪元时间的人使用日期函数。

Here is a sample code:


echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s", substr("1477020641000", 0, 10));
// Result: 2016-10-20 20:30:41


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