i have to sent an email when a user register email contain a link that is become invalid after six hours what i m doing when email is sent i update the db with field emailSentDate of type "datetime" now i got the curent date and time and has made to the same formate as it is in db now i want to find that both these dates and time have differenc of 6 hours or not so that i can make link invalid but i donot know how to do this

我必须发送电子邮件当用户注册后成为无效的电子邮件包含一个链接,六个小时我做什么当我发送电子邮件更新与“datetime类型的字段emailSentDate db的日期和时间,现在我得到了颇有相同的甲酸在db现在我想发现这些日期和时间都有differenc 6小时的,这样我可以让链接无效的但我不知道如何做到这一点

my code is look like this i m using hardcoded value for db just for example


$current_date_time=date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
$current=explode(" ",$current_date_time);
$db_date_time="2010-07-30 13:11:50";
$db=explode(" ",$db_date_time);

i do not know how to proceed plz help


5 个解决方案



//$now = new DateTime(); // current date/time
$now = new DateTime("2010-07-28 01:11:50");
$ref = new DateTime("2010-07-30 05:56:40");
$diff = $now->diff($ref);
printf('%d days, %d hours, %d minutes', $diff->d, $diff->h, $diff->i);

prints 2 days, 4 hours, 44 minutes


see http://docs.php.net/datetime.diff


edit: But you could also shift the problem more to the database side, e.g. by storing the expiration date/time in the table and then do a query like
... WHERE key='7gedufgweufg' AND expires<Now()
Many rdbms have reasonable/good support for date/time arithmetic.



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