I've been playing a bit with socket.io's chat, and I have a question: how can I differentiate between an admin user and a regular user in the chat room? I'd like the admin to have powers like kicking and banning people, but my users to not.


I'm using Symfony to develop my application, and I'd like to use its user database for the chat users. I'm using FOSUserBundle for my Symfony app's users. They are split into multiple groups, so I have the admin group, and others.


The admin group has ROLE_ADMIN which means that each user inside it has that role. That is the admins group and each user in this group should have permissions to ban, kick, mute etc. other users in the chat room.


For using my Symfony users in the chat, I've been reading into Redis to get their sessions, but I'm not exactly sure how to make the difference between my admin users and regular users. How can I prevent a regular user from making a request to the server that does something that the user doesn't have access to? Because anyone can do requests, but how can I validate those requests if they come from users stored in a MySQL database on the Apache server?


If not for Symfony, how this could be done in a regular PHP application? In the end, it doesn't matter how the admin is defined, but how to connect him to the Node server and how to make the Node server work with my user database.


I had an idea of simply encrypting and sending the user's data to the node server, then decrypt it there. Only the two servers know the private keys, so even if a client gets its hands on the encrypted data, he can't make a request with it for another client. I may do some IP check and a timestamp. The decrypted data on the node server could then be used to say if the user is an admin or not and allow him to send certain requests. Is this a good idea or is there a better way?


2 个解决方案



I had an idea of simply encrypting and sending the user's data to the node server, then decrypt it there. Only the two servers know the private keys, so even if a client gets its hands on the encrypted data, he can't make a request with it for another client.


That's the basic idea.


How I would do it? I would use something like JWT to just send the userId to the node application. Doesn't have to be encrypted, because I only care about the jwt signature to make sure the request was indeed issued by the real user.


After that, using the userId I would make a server side call to the php application to check the roles of the user.


To elaborate:


  • The node app and the php app will use a shared secret to sign the JWT token.
  • 节点应用程序和php应用程序将使用共享密钥来签署JWT令牌。
  • The PHP application will expose the generated token to the frontend.
  • PHP应用程序将生成的令牌暴露给前端。
  • The socket.io client will send the token as part of the authentication to the node app.
  • socket.io客户端将令牌作为身份验证的一部分发送到节点应用程序。

How to handle banning


  • keep a list of opened sockets with their user id
  • 保留已打开的套接字列表及其用户ID
  • create a webservice endpoint in the nodejs application which can hanlde the "ban" requests from the php application.
  • 在nodejs应用程序中创建一个webservice端点,它可以处理来自php应用程序的“禁止”请求。
  • when such a request is received by the nodejs application, lookup the socket based on the userid and close the connection.
  • 当nodejs应用程序收到这样的请求时,根据用户ID查找套接字并关闭连接。


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