Does anyone know if there's a way to automatically expand a list in Python, separated by commas? I'm writing some Python code that uses the MySQLdb library, and I'm trying to dynamically update a list of rows in a MySQL database with certain key values.


For instance, in the code below, I'd like to have the numeric values in the record_ids list expand into a SQL "IN" clause.


import MySQLdb
record_ids = [ 23, 43, 71, 102, 121, 241 ]

mysql = MySQLdb.connect(user="username", passwd="secret", db="apps")
mysql_cursor = mysql.cursor()

sqlStmt="UPDATE apps.sometable SET lastmod=SYSDATE() where rec_id in ( %s )"

mysql_cursor.execute( sqlStmt, record_ids )

Any help would be appreciated!


5 个解决方案




",".join( map(str, record_ids) )

",".join( list_of_strings ) joins a list of string by separating them with commas


if you have a list of numbers, map( str, list ) will convert it to a list of strings



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