I have a res/layout/main.xml including these elements and others:

我有一个res / layout /主要。xml包括这些元素和其他元素:

<some.package.MyCustomView android:id="@+id/foo" (some other params) />
<TextView android:id="@+id/boring" (some other params) />

In my Activity's onCreate, I do this:


TextView boring = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.boring);
// ...find other elements...
MyCustomView foo = (MyCustomView) findViewById(R.id.foo);
if (foo == null) { Log.d(TAG, "epic fail"); }

The other elements are found successfully, but foo comes back null. MyCustomView has a constructor MyCustomView(Context c, AttributeSet a) and a Log.d(...) at the end of that constructor appears successfully in logcat just before the "epic fail".

其他元素被成功地找到,但是foo返回null。MyCustomView有一个构造函数MyCustomView(上下文c, AttributeSet a)和一个Log.d(…),在“epic fail”之前,该构造函数的末尾会在logcat中成功出现。

Why is foo null?


18 个解决方案



Because in the constructor, I had super(context) instead of super(context, attrs).

因为在构造函数中,我使用了super(context)而不是super(context, attrs)。

Makes sense, if you don't pass in the attributes, such as the id, then the view will have no id and therefore not be findable using that id. :-)



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