In my application whenever a user upload a wallpaper,i need to crop that wallpaper into 3 different sizes and store all those paths(3 paths for cropped images and 1 for original upload wallpaper) into my database.
I also need to store the tinyurl of the original wallpaper(one which is uploaded by user).


While solving the above described problem i come up with following table structure.


CREATE TABLE `wallpapermaster` (
  `wallpaperid` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `userid` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
  `wallpaperloc` varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  `wallpapertitle` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  `wallpaperstatus` tinyint(4) DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0-Waiting,1-approved,2-disapproved',
  `tinyurl` varchar(40) NOT NULL

wallpaperloc is a comma separated field consisting of original wallpaper location plus locations of all cropped instances.


I know using comma separated field considered to be a bad design in the world of relational database,So Would you like to suggest some other neat and efficient ways?


5 个解决方案



Use a 1:n relationship between the wallpapermaster and a location table.


Something like this:


CREATE TABLE wallpapermaster (
  wallpaperid     int unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  userid          bigint NOT NULL,
  wallpaperloc    varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  wallpapertitle  varchar(50) NOT NULL,
  wallpaperstatus tinyint DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '0-Waiting,1-approved,2-disapproved',
  primary key (wallpaperid)

CREATE TABLE wallpaperlocation (
  wallpaperid  int unsigned NOT NULL,
  location     varchar(100) NOT NULL,
  tinyurl      varchar(40),
  constraint fk_loc_wp 
      foreign key (wallpaperid) 
      references wallpapermaster (wallpaperid),
   primary key (wallpaperid, location)

The primary key in wallpaperlocation ensures that the same location cannot be inserted twice.


Note that int(10) does not define any datatype constraints. It is merely a hint for client application to indicate how many digits the number has.



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