I'm writing an android app which must receive notifications from a java RESTful webservice ,like in gcm (google cloud messaging). If anyone knows how this is done, please point me to a tutorial. Thank you!

我正在编写一个Android应用程序,它必须接收来自java RESTful webservice的通知,例如gcm(谷歌云消息传递)。如果有人知道这是怎么做的,请指教我。谢谢!

1 个解决方案


An android app can't receive HTTP messages like a server can. You can either use GCM or implement some kind of polling system that retrieves the information for you.


Weak solution: Using an alarm manager you could poll the server every 10 seconds for example and get any information that was stored for you.


Better solution: Use long polling, by this I mean with your app you should send across a HTTP message and have it sit and wait for like 30 seconds, if no new data is sent to the server then it will just return with no data and go straight back again. If at any point during that 30 second period the server receives some data, then add it to a list and tell the message to release back to the phone with the list. That will only really work if you are expecting the same type of information everytime.


Best solution: Again, use long polling. However, instead of releasing the HTTP message back to the phone with the new data, return a list of the new types of data received, like you could tell it there is a new text message waiting. The phone will then be aware of a pending message when it gets the response back, you can then just send a Get message and retrieve the message from a stored list.


Hope that helps, explained it kind of quick!


For help on building a Java RESTful service, look at this link: https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/

有关构建Java RESTful服务的帮助,请查看以下链接:https://spring.io/guides/gs/rest-service/

I'm going off the assumption you already understand how the RESTful service works, and if not then that link should help. As far as an example for the 'Better solution', just start by making a basic service with a GET call that returns a string so you know it's working. When you have that going you just need a method to poll every x seconds that returns a list of the new data..


 * This is the method you poll every x seconds
 * @return
public List<Location> eventPoll() {
    ArrayList<Location> oldData = new ArrayList<>(m_Location);

    // small possibility this could get a new piece of data thats not in 'oldData' and
    // which would be cleared. Would be better looping through removing each piece
    // individually comparing it to the oldData

    return oldData;

I'm not sure how you plan on getting the location data into your service, but for the sake of simplicity just add it to an ArrayList like so..


 * This is the method that stores the new data
 * @return
public Location storeNewLocation(Location location) {

** WARNING, not been tested. Literally just wrote it in here now **


Again, this is all going off the assumption you know how to do the previous parts (building up the service), if not then that code isn't much help yet. Good luck!



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