I'm using jQuery. I have a disabled textarea: <textarea id="textarea" disabled="disabled"></textarea>. I want to make it so that when a user clicks on the textarea, it will do something, such as an alert box. So, I have $('#textarea').click(function() { alert('Test'); });.


However, this only works when the textarea is not disabled. So, how can I make the click event fire even when the textarea is disabled?


5 个解决方案



Instead of disabling it, you could either try simulating the disabled behaviour with CSS and continue receiving mouse events from it.


Or see this answer Event on a disabled input where Andy E shows how you can place an invisible element (an overlay) on top of the input for receiving those mouse events when the input is disabled.

或者在禁用输入上查看此答案事件,其中Andy E显示如何在输入顶部放置一个不可见元素(覆盖),以便在禁用输入时接收这些鼠标事件。

He removes the overlay and enables the input when it is clicked, but you could change the behavior to anything you'd like.



  1. js“DOM事件”之鼠标事件、js的测试方法、js代码的放置位置
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  4. jqGrid 数据加载完事件 loadComplete 使用
  5. JavaScript - 检测click事件是否触发了DOMNodeInserted事件
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