Currently I have this JS code:


$('.tile').on('click', function() {    
    setTimeout(function() {
        $('.metro .tile-area-darkCrimson').css('backgroundColor','#4c7fb5');
        $('.metro .tile-area .user-id').css('backgroundColor','#4c7fb5');
        $(".tile-group.main").css({ marginLeft:"-40px", width: "1080px"}).load("company-overview.html");
    }, 2000);

I also have some HTML <a> which are buttons and they are all called tile

我也有一些HTML 是按钮,它们都被称为tile

I want to load the specific href defined in the <a> as seen here with two of them:


<a class="tile double bg-tile7color animated seven flipInX" data-click="transform">
    <div class="tile-content image">
        <div class="padding10">
            <h2 class="fg-white ntm">Cost</h2>
            <p class="fg-white ntm">Pricing and Proposals</p>
        <div class="brand">
            <div class="label"></div>

<a class="tile bg-tile8color animated eight flipInX" data-click="transform">
    <div class="tile-content icon">
            <img src="images/mthc/referrals.png">
    <div class="brand">
        <div class="text-center padding10 ntp">
            <p class="fg-white">Referrals</p></div>

How do I change the JS to load whatever they have in their href's and not what is currently specified in the .load() part of the function? Currently it's loading company-overview.html. While that is the case I will also need to make the color changes unique to the buttons so is there any way to integrate this change into the s ?


2 个解决方案


Simply replace load("company-overview.html") with .load($(this).attr('href') to reference the href attribute of the current/target .tile being clicked:


$('.tile').on('click', function(e) {  
    e.preventDefault();  // stop the default link click behavior
    setTimeout(function() {
        $('.metro .tile-area-darkCrimson').css('backgroundColor','#4c7fb5');
        $('.metro .tile-area .user-id').css('backgroundColor','#4c7fb5');
        $(".tile-group.main").css({ marginLeft:"-40px", width: "1080px"}).load($(this).attr('href'));
    }, 2000);


  1. 使用Jquery Ajax更改按钮的颜色(从外部PHP文件接收颜色)
  2. 在javascript中调用带有双参数()的函数
  3. Objective-C方法/函数调用。 (来自javascript示例)
  4. Javascript函数的4种调用方法详解
  5. JavaScript(ES5)使用保留字作函数名
  6. 在单选按钮上选中/取消选中,加载/隐藏部分视图
  7. 将JavaScript函数的值插入SQL Server数据库
  8. 彻底解决IE8和IE9下ewebeditor上按钮无效的方法
  9. 轮播图---可以动态添加图片,(封装成一个函数)


  1. Android学习之Service(下)
  2. Android smali语法
  3. Android使用HttpClient时出现错误
  4. Android实现二级联动
  5. RHEL5 CENTOS5上编译Android内核的步骤
  6. Android获取本机Mac地址及IP地址方法
  7. 关于android在Service中弹出Dialog对话框
  8. Professional Android 2 Development - 6
  9. Android 异步任务加载图片代码
  10. Android USB挂载