I have a web page that has three section i.e. Header , Mid, Footer. In Mid div it is again divided into two parts i.e. leftdiv and rightdiv. Leftdiv has vertical menu and right div is for content holder for the respective page.

我有一个网页,有三个部分,即标题,中间,页脚。在Mid div中,它再次分为两部分,即leftdiv和rightdiv。 Leftdiv有垂直菜单,右div用于相应页面的内容持有者。

Now i want to dock leftdiv to left of the window screen on button click and when user again click of the same button the leftdiv should set as original position.


ex: if left and right div area has respectively 30 : 70 % area of main div. when i click on button the left and right div area should like 10:90 % and clicking again both div gets their original ratio.


var checker = new Boolean();
checker = true;
if (checker = true) {

    $("#Test").click(function() {

            left: "10%"
        }, 400);
        checker = false;
if (checker != true) {
    $("#Test").click(function() {
            left: "30%"
        }, 400);
        checker = true;

Any help will be appreciated.Thanks in advance


1 个解决方案



Since you tagged jquery in your question:


HTML code


<div class="toggle left">

<div class="toggle right">
    Page contents

<button id="switch">Big monster!</button>

CSS code


div.toggle {
    float: left;
    padding: 20px;
    box-sizing: border-box;

div.left {
    width: 30%;
    background-color: #f00;

div.right {
    width: 70%;
    background-color: #0f0;

div.left.switch {
    width: 10%;

div.right.switch {
    width: 90%;

Javascript code


$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#switch').on('click', function () {

See it in action: http://jsfiddle.net/9xr46zqt/



To animate, use CSS transition property on the divs:


div.toggle {
    transition: width 0.25s ease-in-out;

See updated fiddle with animation: http://jsfiddle.net/9xr46zqt/1/


If course, you can specify anything in both the .switch and non-switched classes. If you want to animate those as well, list their properties in the transition, like: transition: width, left, color 0.25s ease-in-out, or use transition: all 0.25s ease-in-out.

如果是课程,您可以在.switch和非切换类中指定任何内容。如果你想为它们设置动画,请在转换中列出它们的属性,例如:transition:width,left,color 0.25s ease-in-out,或者使用转换:所有0.25s轻松进入。


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  2. Ajax的实用技术——用户的注意力从页面的其他区域到转移选择的图
  3. 彻底解决IE8和IE9下ewebeditor上按钮无效的方法
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  6. bootstrap入门【按钮式下拉菜单,输入框组】
  7. 在AngularJS中轻松控制dom - 单击按钮,然后将焦点设置为输入元素
  8. 无法从按钮onclick事件ASP.NET 4调用Javascript函数
  9. 使用javascript或jquery将具有相同id的多个文本区域内容复制到剪


  1. 1.1 创建android工程
  2. 初识Android系统平台
  3. Android View系列 - 坐标系
  4. Android(安卓)SDK 源码下载,eclipse关联
  5. 视频专辑: 善知堂android 4.0.3 就业视频
  6. 给Activity切换加入动画
  7. 知识储备:Android系统架构
  8. android 1.5 NDK发布
  9. qpython3:安卓上运行Python
  10. Android(安卓)View Attributes