I want to do a Date Check on a TextBox with a onBlur event. I am not sure how to check the textbox in javascript on the aspx side. This is what I have so far


TodayDate= new Date();
function checkEnteredDate() {
if (document.getElementById('txtDate') > TodayDate) {
alert("You cannot select a date later than today.");

This is already a javascript function, I just cannot get the value in the textbox for a comparison. Any suggestions?


5 个解决方案


You could try passing the "this" to the function:


<asp:TextBox ID="Text1" onblur="CheckEnteredDate(this);" runat="server" />

Edit: Here's how the javascript function would use that (roughly):


function CheckEnteredDate(passed) {
    if (new Date(passed.value) > new Date()) {
        alert('Date greater than today');


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