I have AuthService and want to use this service in some controllers.


I want to show or hide "log out" button in my front-end, depends on $scope.isLoggedIn.

我想在我的前端显示或隐藏“注销”按钮,取决于$ scope.isLoggedIn。

My front-end code:


<md-button ng-if="isLoggedIn" class="md-button" ng-click="signOut()" aria-label="Logout">

and my signOut() function:


$scope.signOut = function() {
    AuthenticationService.signOut().then(function() {

Authentication service contains functions: signIn(), signOut() and field .isLoggedIn = true|false.

身份验证服务包含以下函数:signIn(),signOut()和field .isLoggedIn = true | false。

And I want to update my variable in controller, $scope.isLoggedIn depends on AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn. But if I try this:

我想在控制器中更新我的变量,$ scope.isLoggedIn依赖于AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn。但如果我试试这个:

$scope.isLoggedIn = AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn

it works OK, but only when I load site. So if user is logged in, variable $scope.isLoggedIn is true and if user isn't logged in variable $scope.isLoggedIn is false.

它工作正常,但只有当我加载网站。因此,如果用户已登录,则变量$ scope.isLoggedIn为true,如果用户未登录,则变量$ scope.isLoggedIn为false。

But if AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn change while application runs it doesn't change $scope.isLoggedIn.

但是,如果AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn在应用程序运行时发生更改,则不会更改$ scope.isLoggedIn。

Is it possible to keep this reference between service and controller? Or should I do this in another way?


3 个解决方案



use also $watch in controller

在控制器中也使用$ watch

$scope.$watch(function(){return AuthenticationService.isLoggedIn}, function(newval, oldval){
   $scope.isLoggedIn = newval;


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