Update: I put a bounty on this question. I am not looking for hacks or workarounds. I am looking for an official way to access the dom in an angular component, and an explanation why the behavior I see ($postLink running to early) seems to be contradictory to the official docs.
The official docs state (here):

更新:我对这个问题给予了赏金。我不是在寻找黑客或变通方法。我正在寻找一种正式的方式来访问角度组件中的dom,并解释为什么我看到的行为($ postLink运行到早期)似乎与官方文档相矛盾。官方文档声明(这里):

$postLink() - Called after this controller's element and its children have been linked. Similar to the post-link function this hook can be used to set up DOM event handlers and do direct DOM manipulation

$ postLink() - 在此控制器的元素及其子元素已被链接之后调用。与post-link函数类似,此挂钩可用于设置DOM事件处理程序并执行直接DOM操作

Original question: I have an example of the problem here -> http://plnkr.co/edit/rMm9FOwImFRziNG4o0sg?p=preview

原始问题:我在这里有一个问题的例子 - > http://plnkr.co/edit/rMm9FOwImFRziNG4o0sg?p=preview

I am using an angular component and I want to modify the dom in the post link function, but it doesn't work, it seems that the function runs too early, before the template is actually ready in the dom after all the angular processing.


In the html page, I have this:


<my-grid grid-id="'foo'"></my-grid>

The component is defined as:


    controller: gridController,
    bindings: {
        "gridId": "<",
    templateUrl: 'gridTemplate'

In the component template I have this:


<table id='{{$ctrl.gridId}}'>

(The binding itself works, there is no doubt. Eventually, in the html the id of the table is 'foo' as expected).


In the controller, I have something like this:


function gridController($scope, $compile, $attrs) {
    console.log ("grid id is: " + this.gridId); // 'foo'

    this.$postLink = function() {
        var elem = document.getElementById(this.gridId);
        // do something with elem, but elem is null

What I see when debugging is that when the $postLink function is executed, the table is in the dom but its id attribute is still {{$ctrl.gridId}} instead of foo, so document.getElementById() finds nothing. This seems in contrast to the documentation.
What am I missing? Is there a different way to access the dom in the component?

我在调试时看到的是,当执行$ postLink函数时,该表位于dom中,但其id属性仍为{{$ ctrl.gridId}}而不是foo,因此document.getElementById()找不到任何内容。这似乎与文档形成鲜明对比。我错过了什么?是否有不同的方法来访问组件中的dom?

Update 2: Today I realized the same problem occurs with the regular link function of directives, it is not limited to components. So apparently I misunderstood the meaning of "do direct DOM manipulation" - the link function runs on an element that is detached from the dom, so using the document object with selectors is useless.

更新2:今天我意识到指令的常规链接功能也出现同样的问题,它不仅限于组件。显然我误解了“直接操作DOM”的含义 - 链接函数在与dom分离的元素上运行,因此使用带有选择器的文档对象是没用的。

3 个解决方案



The documentation regarding $postLink() is correct. It's called after its controller's element and its children have been linked. This doesn't mean that you'll see a directive's result immediately. Maybe it's calling $http and inserting the result once it arrives. Maybe it's registering a watcher which in turns sets the result, as most of Angular's built-in directives do.

关于$ postLink()的文档是正确的。在它的控制器元素和它的子元素被链接之后被调用。这并不意味着您将立即看到指令的结果。也许它正在调用$ http并在结果到达时插入结果。也许它正在注册一个观察者,它反过来设置结果,就像Angular的大多数内置指令那样。

The underlying issue in your case is that you want to perform DOM manipulations after the interpolations have been compiled, or better yet, after their registered watcher had had time to run once.


Unfortunately, there isn't an official way to do this. Nevertheless, there are ways of accomplishing this, but you won't find them listed in the documentation.


Two popular ways of running a function after the interpolations have been compiled are:


  • using $timeout without a delay (as it defaults to 0): $timeout(function() { /* Your code goes here */ });

    使用$ timeout没有延迟(因为它默认为0):$ timeout(function(){/ *你的代码在这里* /});

  • using .ready() which is provided by Angular's jqLite


In your case, you're much better off using a watcher to run a function once the element with the given ID exists:


var deregistrationFn = $scope.$watch(() => {
    return document.getElementById(this.gridId);
}, (newValue) => {
    if (newValue !== null) {

        // Your code goes here

Finally, in my opinion, I believe that whenever you need to wait for the interpolations to be compiled, or for certain directives to insert their value, you're not following the Angular's way of building things. In your case, why not create a new component, myGridTable which requires myGrid as a parent, and add its appropriate logic there. This way, each component's responsibility is much better defined and it's easier to test things.



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