I'm trying to create a list of data items that have first been filtered by value, then sorted by descending value, then sliced to only show the top 5 items. I'm using an Angular factory to return these values to my controller, so that I can display the values in the DOM.


I've been successful in sorting and slicing the data, but I'm running into problems when I run dataHandler.filter. I get the error: 'Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined'.


Here is my controller where I try to return a new list after running each of these functions:



getData().then(function(data) {

    function updateChart() {
        // get match value
        var filterValue = inputService.primaryInputs[0]["value"];

        // plug match value into filter ** should return only data items with matches
        var filtered = dataHandler.filter(data, "Description", filterValue);

        // sort by descending value "percent"
        var sorted = dataHandler.sort.descending(filtered, "Percent");

        // return top 5 results
        var sliced = dataHandler.slice(sorted, 5);
        $scope.barData = sliced;


I know that dataHandler.sort.descending and dataHandler.slice or working correctly, because I can use data as an argument in dataHandler.sort.descending and the list is returned perfectly. However, when I try to plug use filtered, I get 'Cannot read property 'slice' of undefined'.



app.factory('dataHandler', function ($rootScope) {
    return {
        filter: function(data, dataProp, input) {
            data.filter(function(value, index, array) {
                console.log(value[dataProp] == input);
                return value[dataProp] == input;
        sort: {
            ascending: function (data, sortCriteria) {
                if (data) {
                    data.sort(function (a, b) {
                        return a[sortCriteria] - b[sortCriteria];
                return data;
            descending: function (data, sortCriteria) {
                if (data) {
                    data.sort(function (a, b) {
                        return b[sortCriteria] - a[sortCriteria];
                return data;
        slice: function (data, howMany) {
            if (howMany) {
                return data.slice(0, howMany);
            } else {
                return data;

Again - I want to use dataHandler.filter to return a new list with only the items whose Description values match the filterValue.

再次 - 我想使用dataHandler.filter返回一个新列表,其中只包含其Description值与filterValue匹配的项目。

1 个解决方案



The reason it doesn't work is because you aren't returning anything in your dataHandler.filter function.


It should be:


filter: function(data, dataProp, input) {
  return data.filter(function(value, index, array) {
    console.log(value[dataProp] == input);
    return value[dataProp] == input;

Remember that Array.prototype.filter does not work in place, like Array.prototype.reverse.


Even though this will work, I would suggest that you don't actually need a factory for these tasks. Filtering, slicing and sorting are very general purpose tasks and there is no need to wrap around the native implementation (unless you are polyfilling).


I would rewrite the entire factory as a service of reusable transform functions that can be used in a series of chained operations.


.service('Transform', function() {
  // we will pass this to filter
  this.propEquals = function(property, value) {
    return function(data) {
      return data[property] === value;

  // we'll pass this to sort
  this.sort = function(criteria, ascending) {
    return function(a, b) {
      return ascending?
        a[criteria] - b[criteria] : b[criteria] - a[criteria];

Then your updateChart method becomes.


function updateChart() {
  var filterValue = inputService.primaryInputs[0]["value"];

  $scope.barData = data
    .filter(Transform.propEquals("description", filterValue))
    .sort(Transform.sort("Percent", false))
    .slice(0, 5);


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