I have a upload form where once you upload and preview the image you can add it to a list depending that the list has less than the max slots filled.


for example:


If max slots is 5 then you can add 5 images, if more then the program will tell you to remove a image as you have hit the max slots.


my json looks as following


Error I'm Getting


I am not getting to upload and keep getting


TypeError: Cannot read property 'max_slots' of undefined

even though the path in my json to max slots is campaigns[index].max_slots as you can see in the image above.

即使我的json到最大插槽的路径是广告系列[index] .max_slots,如上图所示。

Im not sure whats going wrong can someone help out please ?




.controller('Dashboard', function ($scope, $http, $timeout) {

        $scope.campaigns = [];
        $scope.preview = '';

        $scope.addImage = function (index) {

            if ($scope.length < $scope.campaigns[index].max_slots) {
                    "slot_id": $scope.length + 1,
                    "base_image": $scope.preview,
                    "path_image": ""

            } else {
                window.alert("you have to delete a slot to generate a new one");

1 个解决方案



$scope.addImage function index variable may be has wrong value and $scope.campaigns[index] is undefined.

$ scope.addImage函数索引变量可能有错误的值,$ scope.campaigns [index]未定义。

if your have ng-repeate loop and ng-click with addImage($index) then on click the function will pass wrong value i.e. $scope.campaigns.length. Please use single campaign object instead of index number.

如果你有ng-repeate循环并使用addImage($ index)进行ng-click,那么单击该函数将传递错误的值,即$ scope.campaigns.length。请使用单个广告系列对象而不是索引号。

The function like


$scope.addImage = function (campaign) {
    if(!campaign) return;
    if ($scope.length < campaign.max_slots) {
            "slot_id": $scope.length + 1,
            "base_image": $scope.preview,
            "path_image": ""
    } else {
        window.alert("you have to delete a slot to generate a new one");


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