
One of the more exciting announcements fromGoogle IOthis year was the Android Team’s decision to releaseAndroid Studio. Android Studio isJetBrains’ IntelliJ IDEAwith a brand new, extremely rich, Android-focused plugin. (It’s similar to Eclipse with theADT package.) If you’re feeling adventurous, give it a spin by migrating one of your Eclipse apps.

Getting Started
First, you’ll need to update your SDK installation to the latest version. (Versions 22.0.0 and up will migrate your app to Android Studio.) After a few SDK Manager updates and restarts, you should see something like this:

Now you’re ready to export your application from Eclipse.Google choseGradleas the new Android build system, so we’ll generate the necessary build files first.From the Eclipse menu, choose ‘File’ and then click ‘Export’. Under the Android folder, you’ll find ‘Generate Gradle build files’:

Choose the project you want to migrate and click ‘Finish’. Next, exit Eclipse and fire up Android Studio. You’ll want to import an existing project. You can do it from the File menu or the wizard if you don’t have a project opened.Navigate to the directory containing your app and double click thebuild.gradlefile:

Now you’re almost there! Check ‘Use auto-import’ and select the Gradle wrapper. Or you can choose a Gradle distribution location if you have Gradle 1.6 installed. (This will skip the step of adding a few files to your project directory.) When you click ‘Finish’, Android Studio will perform a few housekeeping tasks and open your shiny new Gradle project. Hurray!

Bonus Round
Now that you’re working happily in Android Studio, isn’t it time to add a little New Relic action to the mix? Don’t have a New Relic account? (Sign upfor one today and get a free 30-day trial!)

First, merge the following into yourbuild.gradlefile:

buildscript { repositories { mavenCentral() } dependencies { classpath 'com.newrelic.agent.android:agent-gradle-plugin:+' } } repositories { mavenCentral() } apply plugin: 'android' apply plugin: 'newrelic' dependencies { compile 'com.newrelic.agent.android:android-agent:+' }

Then add an import to your default Activity class:

import com.newrelic.agent.android.NewRelic;

And in the onCreate() method, add this call to initialize New Relic:

NewRelic.withApplicationToken( "<your mobile app token>" ).start( this .getApplication());

That’s it! We’d love to hear about your migration stories. Let us know your experiences in the comments below.



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