I have an issue with a popup in Asp.net using AJAX modalpoup extender. Is it possible to show one kind of popup when the user edits few textboxes and the other kind of popup for the remaining textboxes.

我使用AJAX modalpoup扩展程序在Asp.net中弹出一个问题。当用户编辑少量文本框时可以显示一种弹出窗口,而剩余文本框可以显示另一种弹出窗口。

I guess it is possible with some javascript function. Could someone help me out?


Ex: Only when txtbox1's value is changed, it should show me popup1 when the save button is clicked. Or else popup2.


Thanks in advance!


1 个解决方案



This might be something that is limited by the fact that you're using ASP.net's modulapopup. Have you tried looking into jQuery?


For example, you could assign event handlers to the specific buttons/textboxes and have them trigger different events - which you would then handle accordingly, i.e. displaying different popups. Take a look at jQuery UI, specifically their Dialog demo.

例如,您可以将事件处理程序分配给特定按钮/文本框,并让它们触发不同的事件 - 然后您可以相应地处理它们,即显示不同的弹出窗口。看看jQuery UI,特别是他们的Dialog演示。


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