转自 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=16850588#post16850588

TabletBar Hider

Want to use your honeycomb tablet in *true* fullscreen, without that pesky system bar in the way? Now you can! (REQUIRES ROOT!)

This app allows you to hide the system bar in landscape mode, where it gets in the way the most. Then, if you need to access it to leave the app, just rotate your tablet to portrait and the bar appears. When you're done, rotate it back to landscape and the bar disappears again. You can go back to the app and end that behavior at any time.

There is currently an issue with apps that prevent rotation - you may get stuck in them! But worst case, you can always reboot and everything goes back to normal. I will work on a fix for that if people like the app!

I am new to Android app development so please let me know if there are any issues! I have created a free demo version that you can run to verify that the app will properly hide and restore the system bar on your tablet. I have tested this on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 but not others yet! So please make sure to try the demo first.

Note that the demo is only for verifying that the app can kill and restore the system bar. It does not feature the automatic rotation service that the full version contains.

Screenshots of full version attached to post


Full Version


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