Check & Get network status

Normally, there will be two type with phone network: wifi & mobile(gprs,3g,4fg)

So, we have can test connect and get the connect type.

1.check connect:

    public static boolean isOnline(Context context)    {        ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager)                 context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);        NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo();        return (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected());    }

2.get connect type:

    public static NetWorkStatus traceConnectStatus(Context context) {                NetWorkStatus mStatus = NetWorkStatus.INVALID;        ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) context                .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);        NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr                .getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);        boolean isWifiConn = networkInfo.isConnected();        networkInfo = connMgr.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);        boolean isMobileConn = networkInfo.isConnected();                if (isMobileConn) {            if (isWifiConn) {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.BOTH;            } else {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.GPRS;            }        } else {            if (isWifiConn) {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.WIFI;            } else {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.INVALID;            }        }        return mStatus;    }

3.connect status changed:

there is an intent we can listener. ""

package com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.connect;import java.lang.ref.WeakReference;import com.joyfulmath.androidstudy.TraceLog;import android.content.BroadcastReceiver;import android.content.Context;import android.content.Intent;import android.content.IntentFilter;import;import;public class NetWorkUtils {        public static final String CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_ACTION = "";    public enum NetWorkStatus{        INVALID,GPRS,WIFI,BOTH    }    private WeakReference<Context> mWeakContext = null;    private ConnectReceiver mConReceiver = null;//    private NetWorkStatus mNetWorkStatus = NetWorkStatus.INVALID;        public static NetWorkStatus traceConnectStatus(Context context) {                NetWorkStatus mStatus = NetWorkStatus.INVALID;        ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager) context                .getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);        NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr                .getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_WIFI);        boolean isWifiConn = networkInfo.isConnected();        networkInfo = connMgr.getNetworkInfo(ConnectivityManager.TYPE_MOBILE);        boolean isMobileConn = networkInfo.isConnected();                if (isMobileConn) {            if (isWifiConn) {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.BOTH;            } else {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.GPRS;            }        } else {            if (isWifiConn) {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.WIFI;            } else {                mStatus = NetWorkStatus.INVALID;            }        }        return mStatus;    }        public static boolean isOnline(Context context)    {        ConnectivityManager connMgr = (ConnectivityManager)                 context.getSystemService(Context.CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE);        NetworkInfo networkInfo = connMgr.getActiveNetworkInfo();        return (networkInfo != null && networkInfo.isConnected());    }            public NetWorkUtils(Context context)    {        mWeakContext = new WeakReference<Context>(context);    }        public void registerConnectReceiver() {        if (mWeakContext.get() != null) {                        if (mConReceiver == null) {                mConReceiver = new ConnectReceiver();            }            IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter();            filter.addAction(CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_ACTION);            filter.setPriority(1000);            mWeakContext.get().registerReceiver(mConReceiver, filter);        }    }        public void unRegisterConnectReceiver()    {        if(mWeakContext.get()!=null && mConReceiver!=null)        {            mWeakContext.get().unregisterReceiver(mConReceiver);            mConReceiver = null;        }    }        private void connectChanged()    {        if(mWeakContext.get()!=null)        {            NetWorkStatus status = traceConnectStatus(mWeakContext.get());            TraceLog.i("status:"+status);        }    }        public class ConnectReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver{        @Override        public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {            String action = intent.getAction();            if(action!=null && action.equals(CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE_ACTION))            {                connectChanged();            }        }            }}


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