#!/bin/bash#~/bin/apkuninstaller# if you have more than one devices, # use adbs="adb -s $devce_numberno" to specify itadbs=adb#1. get the app list form devicei=0;for list in `$adbs shell ls -1 /data/data/`do     apklist[$i]=$list;    ((i++));done#2. echo the app list to user selectfor (( i = 0; i < ${#apklist[@]}; i++ )); do    n=$[$i+1]    printf "%3d)" $n    echo " ${apklist[$i]}"done#3. choices and uninstall appuninstall(){    for n in $@; do         echo " Uninstall ${apklist[$[$n-1]]} "        $adbs uninstall ${apklist[$[$n-1]]}    done}read -p ">>What apps you want to uninstall?[Multi-select]: " uninstallList uninstall $uninstallList

#!/bin/bash#~/bin/apkunstallerfor n in $@ ;     do echo "Install $n.." adb install $n done


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