
1.Cache color hint

默认情况下,Android中的View的背景都是透明的,这是一个合理的设计,但是,当渲染到屏幕上时,这会引入许多的计算,因为所有的child的背景是透明的,这就意味着当ListView绘制它的child时,会导致child与window的背景色相混合,当ListView上下滑动或Fling时,性能就会下降。当ListView上下滑动或者是Fling时,为了避免这种情况发生或提高渲染速度,ListView引入了"scrolling cache"机制。这个机制简单地说来就是ListView把可见的child绘制在一个bitmap上面(系统将每一个child拷贝到由cache color hint填充的bitmap上面),然后再直接把这个bitmap绘制到屏幕上,由于这个bitmap是不透明的,所以就不会有混合计算,这样就提高了绘制的效率。

但是,由于系统默认的cache color hint的颜色是#191919,当你滑动ListView时,你就会看到一个黑色的背景。


最简单的方法是将cache color hint设置为透明。

android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" 或 setCacheColorHint(Color.TRANSPARENT)

As mentioned before, ListView has a transparent/translucent background by default, and so all default widgets in the Android UI toolkit. This implies that when ListView redraws its children, it has to blend the children with the window's background. Once again, this requires costly readbacks from memory that are particularly painful during a scroll or a fling when drawing happens dozen of times per second.

To improve drawing performance during scrolling operations, the Android framework reuses the cache color hint. When this hint is set, the framework copies each child of the list in a Bitmap filled with the hint value (assuming that another optimization, called scrolling cache, is not turned off). ListView then blits these bitmaps directly on screen and because these bitmaps are known to be opaque, no blending is required. Also, since the default cache color hint is #191919, you get a dark background behind each item during a scroll.

To fix this issue, all you have to do is either disable the cache color hint optimization, if you use a non-solid color background, or set the hint to the appropriate solid color value. You can do this from code (see setCacheColorHint(int)) or preferably from XML, by using the android:cacheColorHint attribute. To disable the optimization, simply use the transparent color #00000000. The following screenshot shows a list with android:cacheColorHint="#00000000" set in the XML layout file.


通过android:divider XML属性来指定。 Divider可以颜色或者Drawable,当绘制内容时,ListView会自动地计算出divider的位置。由于divider接收一个drawable,它可以是ColorDrawable,也可以是BitmapDrawable,但是,由于ColorDrawable,它是没有高度的,所以Drawable#getIntrinsicHeight()方法返回-1,因此,为了避免这个问题, 我们可以通过android:dividerHeight属性来设计其高度。



所以,对于ListView来说,其绘制顺序是: Background -> Dividers -> List selector -> Itemviews

4. OnItemClickListener不触发

有时候,当ListView中的每一个item是自定义的View时,有可能会导致ListView的OnItemClickListener的listener无法调用,请看如下情况: 如果你的自定义ListViewItem中有Button或者Checkable的子类控件的话,那么默认focus是交给了子控件,而 ListView的Item能被选中的基础是它能获取Focus,也就是说我们可以通过将ListView中Item中包含的所有控件的 focusable属性设置为false,这样的话ListView的Item自动获得了Focus的权限,也就可以被选中了。
我们可以通过对Item Layout的根控件设置其 android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants"即可,这样Item Layout就屏蔽了所有子控件获取Focus的权限,不需要针对Item Layout中的每一个控件重新设置focusable属性了,如此就可以顺利的响应onItemClickListener中的onItemClick()方法了。
我看一下ListView处理touch事件的方法,AbsListView#onTouchEvent()方法中,代码如下: MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: {  switch (mTouchMode) {  case TOUCH_MODE_DOWN:  case TOUCH_MODE_TAP:  case TOUCH_MODE_DONE_WAITING:    final int motionPosition = mMotionPosition;    final View child = getChildAt(motionPosition - mFirstPosition);    final float x = ev.getX();    final boolean inList = x > mListPadding.left      && x < getWidth() - mListPadding.right;    if (child != null && !child.hasFocusable() && inList) {      if (mTouchMode != TOUCH_MODE_DOWN) {        child.setPressed(false);      }      if (mPerformClick == null) {        mPerformClick = new PerformClick();      }...

总结如下: 原因: ListView中的Item内部的View获得了焦点,如Button, Checkbox等。
解决办法: 不要让ListView中的Item内部的View获得焦点就OK了,这样做: android:descendantFocusability="blocksDescendants"
public static final int descendantFocusability Defines the relationship between the ViewGroup and its descendants when looking for a View to take focus.
Constant Value Description
beforeDescendants 0 The ViewGroup will get focus before any of its descendants.
afterDescendants 1 The ViewGroup will get focus only if none of its descendants want it.
blocksDescendants 2 The ViewGroup will block its descendants from receiving focus.

if (((viewFlags & CLICKABLE) == CLICKABLE ||                (viewFlags & LONG_CLICKABLE) == LONG_CLICKABLE)) {     // ....    return true;}

5. ListView不要做的事

1)android:layout_height="warp_content"? 有时候我们很容易让ListView的高度是wrap_content,这样做,很容易导致性能问题,wrap_content意味着as big as my children,这会导致1)测量大量的children;2)当添加child时,容易引起ListView重新发生layout,这又可能引发child的layout。我曾经遇到过一个问题,就是在维护别的写的代码时,ListView上下滑动速度特别慢,我把adapter等地方都优化完后,仍然一样,最终才发现ListView的高度是wrap_content,我把其改为match_parent之后,性能一下就正常了。


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