1 修改主界面 pageindicator、workspace、hotseat方面的调整

   主要是在packages/apps/Launcher3/src/com/android/launcher3/DeviceProfile.java 如下函数中进行调整

 public void layout(Launcher launcher, boolean notifyListeners) {        FrameLayout.LayoutParams lp;        boolean hasVerticalBarLayout = isVerticalBarLayout();        // Layout the search bar space        Point searchBarBounds = getSearchBarDimensForWidgetOpts();        View searchBar = launcher.getDropTargetBar();        lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) searchBar.getLayoutParams();        lp.width = searchBarBounds.x;        lp.height = searchBarBounds.y;        lp.topMargin = mInsets.top + edgeMarginPx;        searchBar.setLayoutParams(lp);        // Layout the workspace        PagedView workspace = (PagedView) launcher.findViewById(R.id.workspace);        Rect workspacePadding = getWorkspacePadding(null);        workspace.setPadding(workspacePadding.left, workspacePadding.top, workspacePadding.right,                workspacePadding.bottom-110); //workspace距pageindicator的距离        // Layout the hotseat        Hotseat hotseat = (Hotseat) launcher.findViewById(R.id.hotseat);        lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) hotseat.getLayoutParams();        // We want the edges of the hotseat to line up with the edges of the workspace, but the        // icons in the hotseat are a different size, and so don't line up perfectly. To account for        // this, we pad the left and right of the hotseat with half of the difference of a workspace        // cell vs a hotseat cell.        float workspaceCellWidth = (float) getCurrentWidth() / inv.numColumns;        float hotseatCellWidth = (float) getCurrentWidth() / inv.numHotseatIcons;        int hotseatAdjustment = Math.round((workspaceCellWidth - hotseatCellWidth) / 2);        if (hasVerticalBarLayout) {            // Vertical hotseat -- The hotseat is fixed in the layout to be on the right of the            //                     screen regardless of RTL            int paddingRight = mInsets.left > 0                    ? hotseatBarLeftNavBarRightPaddingPx                    : hotseatBarRightNavBarRightPaddingPx;            int paddingLeft = mInsets.left > 0                    ? hotseatBarLeftNavBarLeftPaddingPx                    : hotseatBarRightNavBarLeftPaddingPx;            lp.gravity = Gravity.RIGHT;            lp.width = hotseatBarSizePx + mInsets.left + mInsets.right                    + paddingLeft + paddingRight;            lp.height = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;            hotseat.getLayout().setPadding(mInsets.left + cellLayoutPaddingLeftRightPx                            + paddingLeft,                    mInsets.top,                    mInsets.right + cellLayoutPaddingLeftRightPx + paddingRight,                    workspacePadding.bottom + cellLayoutBottomPaddingPx);        } else if (isTablet) {            // Pad the hotseat with the workspace padding calculated above            lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;            lp.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;            lp.height = hotseatBarSizePx + mInsets.bottom;            hotseat.getLayout().setPadding(hotseatAdjustment + workspacePadding.left                            + cellLayoutPaddingLeftRightPx,                    hotseatBarTopPaddingPx,                    hotseatAdjustment + workspacePadding.right + cellLayoutPaddingLeftRightPx,                    hotseatBarBottomPaddingPx + mInsets.bottom + cellLayoutBottomPaddingPx);        } else {            // For phones, layout the hotseat without any bottom margin            // to ensure that we have space for the folders            lp.gravity = Gravity.BOTTOM;            lp.width = LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT;            lp.height = hotseatBarSizePx + mInsets.bottom-80; //hotseat的高度            hotseat.getLayout().setPadding(hotseatAdjustment + workspacePadding.left                            + cellLayoutPaddingLeftRightPx,                    hotseatBarTopPaddingPx,                    hotseatAdjustment + workspacePadding.right + cellLayoutPaddingLeftRightPx,                    hotseatBarBottomPaddingPx + mInsets.bottom + cellLayoutBottomPaddingPx);        }        hotseat.setLayoutParams(lp);        // Layout the page indicators        View pageIndicator = launcher.findViewById(R.id.page_indicator);        if (pageIndicator != null) {            lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) pageIndicator.getLayoutParams();            if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {                if (mInsets.left > 0) {                    lp.leftMargin = mInsets.left;                } else {                    lp.leftMargin = pageIndicatorLandWorkspaceOffsetPx;                }                lp.bottomMargin = workspacePadding.bottom;            } else {                // Put the page indicators above the hotseat                lp.gravity = Gravity.CENTER_HORIZONTAL | Gravity.BOTTOM;                lp.height = pageIndicatorSizePx;                lp.bottomMargin = hotseatBarSizePx + mInsets.bottom-80; pageindicator距hotseat距离            }            pageIndicator.setLayoutParams(lp);        }        // Layout the Overview Mode        ViewGroup overviewMode = launcher.getOverviewPanel();        if (overviewMode != null) {            int visibleChildCount = getVisibleChildCount(overviewMode);            int totalItemWidth = visibleChildCount * overviewModeBarItemWidthPx;            int maxWidth = totalItemWidth + (visibleChildCount - 1) * overviewModeBarSpacerWidthPx;            lp = (FrameLayout.LayoutParams) overviewMode.getLayoutParams();            lp.width = Math.min(availableWidthPx, maxWidth);            lp.height = getOverviewModeButtonBarHeight();            lp.bottomMargin = mInsets.bottom;            overviewMode.setLayoutParams(lp);        }        // Layout the AllAppsRecyclerView        View view = launcher.findViewById(R.id.apps_list_view);        int paddingLeftRight = desiredWorkspaceLeftRightMarginPx + cellLayoutPaddingLeftRightPx;        view.setPadding(paddingLeftRight, view.getPaddingTop(), paddingLeftRight,                view.getPaddingBottom());        if (notifyListeners) {            for (int i = mListeners.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {                mListeners.get(i).onLauncherLayoutChanged();            }        }    }    public int getCellHeight(@ContainerType int containerType) {        switch (containerType) {            case CellLayout.WORKSPACE:                return cellHeightPx;            case CellLayout.FOLDER:                return folderCellHeightPx;            case CellLayout.HOTSEAT:                return 100;  //hotseat的高度            default:                // ??                return 0;        }



workspace.setPadding(workspacePadding.left, workspacePadding.top, workspacePadding.right,

workspacePadding.bottom);调整时,本来认为在函数getWorkspacePadding(Rect recycle)中workspacePadding.bottom=paddingBottom=hotseatBarSizePx + pageIndicatorSizePx;

pageIndicatorSizePx = res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_min_page_indicator_size); //32dp=64px

hotseatBarSizePx = isVerticalBarLayout()? Utilities.pxFromDp(inv.iconSize, dm)
  : res.getDimensionPixelSize(R.dimen.dynamic_grid_hotseat_size) + hotseatBarTopPaddingPx + hotseatBarBottomPaddingPx; //针对竖屏固定值是80dp+2dp+8dp=180px;横屏时获取inv.iconSize


思考:针对isVerticalBarLayout(),在竖屏状态时,有时打印的log也会使得该函数返回值为true;那么会不会hotseatBarSizePx会获取横屏状态下的数值,即Utilities.pxFromDp(inv.iconSize, dm);因为在InvariantDeviceProfile文件的构造函数中有

        landscapeProfile = new DeviceProfile(context, this, smallestSize, largestSize,                largeSide, smallSide, true /* isLandscape */);        portraitProfile = new DeviceProfile(context, this, smallestSize, largestSize,                smallSide, largeSide, false /* isLandscape */);



/ Hotseat        if (isVerticalBarLayout()) {            hotseatBarSizePx = iconSizePx;                    }


        if (!isVerticalBarLayout() && isPhone && isTallDevice) {            // We increase the hotseat size when there is extra space.            // ie. For a display with a large aspect ratio, we can keep the icons on the workspace            // in portrait mode closer together by adding more height to the hotseat.            // Note: This calculation was created after noticing a pattern in the design spec.            int extraSpace = getCellSize().y - iconSizePx - iconDrawablePaddingPx;            hotseatBarSizePx += extraSpace - pageIndicatorSizePx;            // Recalculate the available dimensions using the new hotseat size.            updateAvailableDimensions(dm, res);        }




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