I am trying to run a PHP script as soon as Submit button is clicked. I wanted to do an AJAX call as i dint want to refresh the page after the button is clicked. But the below code is not responding upon click.


I have saved the login.php in the same location as my project. Any help or input is appreciated!


<input type="button" class="button" value="submit" />
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
    $("button").click(function() {
            type: "GET",
            url: "C:\wamp\www\ElitePass\login.php"
        alert("done successully")

2 个解决方案



The issue is that you are not targeting your button correctly.


$("button") this selector is looking for an element of type "button". Naturally there is none. To target elements by their class names, append dot to selector:



Having said that, your code will still not work as you expect it to. Browser security restrictions will prevent loading of files directly from your file system. You need to load stuff via web server. Especially PHP files.



  1. 由于底层异常,无法加载连接类:'java.lang.NumberFormatException:对
  2. 加载数据INFILE不工作。
  3. JSON保存在数据库中并使用JQuery加载
  4. zTree.js 异步加载地区例子
  5. 加载外部站点并更改其可视化
  6. js点击button按钮跳转到另一个新页面
  7. Emberjs应用程序加载除Index之外的所有路由
  8. javascript阻塞加载问题【转】
  9. 我可以禁用“后退”按钮浏览器功能吗?


  1. ajax的xmlHttpRequest对象
  2. Java&Xml教程(七)使用JDOM修改XML文件内容
  3. 疯狂XML学习笔记(11)-----------XSLT讲解
  4. Java&Xml教程(六)使用JDOM解析XML文件
  5. 疯狂XML学习笔记(10)---------XML的作用
  6. Java&Xml教程(五)使用SAX方式解析XML文件
  7. 疯狂XML学习笔记(9)-------------Schema内
  8. Java&Xml教程(四)使用DOM方式生成XML文件
  9. 疯狂XML学习笔记(8)---------schema 的简单
  10. Java&Xml教程(三)使用DOM方式修改XML文件内