I got a code that interacts with a soap client that I enclose with a try catch statement. But it seems that the try catch statement could not catch the error as the script would fail. I would like the code to continue the execution even after the error.

我得到了一个与soap客户端交互的代码,我将其与try catch语句一起包含在内。但似乎try catch语句无法捕获错误,因为脚本会失败。我希望代码在错误发生后继续执行。

The error is [error] [php]SoapClient::SoapClient(): failed to open stream: Connection timed out

错误是[错误] [php] SoapClient :: SoapClient():无法打开流:连接超时

How to better handle the error without stopping the execution of the code?


Below is the code.



   $client = new SoapClient($url, $config);

   $result = $client->RemoteMethod(
                array( "param1" =>$data1 
                "param2" => $data2
                "param3" => $data3

    $response = objectToArray($result); 

}catch(Exception $e){


2 个解决方案



What is the current namespace? Try changing the catch to:


}catch(\Exception $e){

(Note the backslash.)



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