I'm trying to work with Jquery and Svg together. But I don´t want to use any plugin.


The problem I am dealing now is that when I try to work using the traditional append mode to add a child to the svg document, the object is not rendered. Let´s check out what I tried to do:


/* Creating the svg container using pure JS */
var container = document.getElementById("svg_space");
mySvg = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg");
mySvg.setAttribute("version", "1.2");
mySvg.setAttribute("baseProfile", "tiny");

/* Adding a child and setting attributes to the SVG container using pure JS */
Circle = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle");
Circle.setAttribute("cx", "60");
Circle.setAttribute("cy", "30");
Circle.setAttribute("r", "13");
Circle.setAttribute("class", "class1");
    mySvg.appendChild(Circle); /* After this, the circle is rendered */

/* Then, I tried to use jQuery to perform the same action... */
$(mySvg).append("<circle />");
$(mySvg).find("circle").attr("class","class1" );

...but after this action, the circle does not render. I check if at least the circle was really appended to the DOM tree in the Developers Tool Inspector, and I found out that both element exist, with the proper attributes previously set, but the circle created with jQuery was as if it were a html descendant, not as a svg descendant. This means that the constructors, prototypes and other methods related to a svg circle element was not part of the this 'jquery' circle, but instead the related to a pure html tag.

...但是在此操作之后,圆圈不会渲染。我检查至少圆圈是否真的附加到开发人员工具检查器中的DOM树中,我发现两个元素都存在,具有先前设置的正确属性,但是使用jQuery创建的圆圈就好像它是一个html后代而不是作为svg后裔。这意味着与svg circle元素相关的构造函数,原型和其他方法不是这个'jquery'圈子的一部分,而是与纯html标签相关。

Is there a way to create svg elements as svg descendants using jquery, or is better the use of pure javascript despite the loss of productivity?


3 个解决方案



Haven't been able to try, but I bet this would work. Instead of


$(mySvg).append("<circle />");


$(mySvg).append(document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "circle"));

If you plan on doing this more than once, maybe


function svgEl(tagName) {
    return document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", tagName);


This is the same as the old trick of getting better performance via $(document.createElement("div")) instead of $("<div />").



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