I need to get the actual number of pixels that an IHTMLElements margin is taking up, in my c# code. I've looked in it's style and currentStyle members, but the relevant parts are either null or set to "auto".


Searching the internet has shown up the getCurrentStyle function in javascript, but I need these numbers in my c# code.


Obviously I'm a bit new to js and html and everything...


So, is there any way to get at the actual calculated number of pixels being used for an elements margin (or any of it's other measurements for that matter) in c# code?


I forgot to add: This will only be getting used in Internet Explorer for the foreseeable future

我忘了添加:这只会在可预见的将来在Internet Explorer中使用

3 个解决方案


Does it have to be in the C# code? It may be easier to do this at the client through script - for example, with jQuery some combination of width(), innerWidth() and outerWidth() should return the margin.

它必须在C#代码中吗?通过脚本在客户端执行此操作可能更容易 - 例如,使用jQuery,width(),innerWidth()和outerWidth()的某些组合应返回边距。


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