when we are pressing any key event not getting fired.


    <div id="myP" contentEditable="true">
        This is a paragraph. you can edit me, i am editable.
        <span contenteditable="false" class="go" id="go">
            <strong >This is strong thing</strong>
        </span> after strong

//script part

$("#go").keydown(function() {
  alert( "Handler for .keydown() called." );

when we set contentEditable = true then we can edit content of that element in my case I am having span inside div and i want to delete that span on backspace key press. but it is getting navigate me to previous page. Means it is redirecting me to previous page according to history.

当我们设置contentEditable = true然后我们可以编辑该元素的内容,在我的情况下,我在div中有跨度,我想在退格键按下时删除该跨度。但它正在引导我前一页。意味着它根据历史将我重定向到上一页。

1 个解决方案


My guess is that you should take into consideration that .keydown is fired if you press a key while inside an input.


<input contenteditable="false" class="go" id="go">

You could listen for all events if you attach your handler on the body instead of the span:


$("body").keydown(function() {
  alert( "Handler for .keydown() called." );


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