Take an example login() function within a class Account.


class Account {
 /* Class variables */

    public function login() {
        if(isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']))
            return $this->_formLogin();
        else if(isset($_SESSION['accountId']))
            return $this->_sessionLogin();
        else if(isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password']))
            return $this->_cookieLogin();
        else return false;

    private function _formLogin() {
        //perform login actions using $_POST data
    /* All that other stuff */

Try for this moment to ignore any concerns about unseen methods for data sanitizing, password salting, and such. Concentrating strictly on login(), is this global access bad juju? I avoid using PHP super globals within classes normally, but I can't think of a good reason not to do it in this situation.


I can understand why you wouldn't want magic-in-the-background occuring with globals interacting across classes, but these globals are built into PHP, aren't modified by the class, and are only used by this class.


It would result in this at the beginning of pages you needed a user logged in on:


$user = new Account($whatever, $objects, $we, $depend, $on);
if($user->login()) {
    //Do this stuff when logged in

instead of this on every page, the logic of which may need to be changed later:


$user = new Account($whatever, $objects, $we, $depend, $on);
if(isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password']))
    $user->formLogin($_POST['username'], $_POST['password']);
else if(isset($_SESSION['accountId']))
else if(isset($_COOKIE['username']) && isset($_COOKIE['password']))
    $user->cookieLogin($_COOKIE['username'], $_COOKIE['password']);
if($user->isLoggedIn() {
    //Do this stuff when logged in

And while I'm aware that creating a function outside of the class to handle that is an option, wouldn't that be just as bad as obfuscating globals in a class?


4 个解决方案


I wouldn't say there is a straight yes or no answer to this one. What the idea (with all superglobals $_GET $_POST $_SESSION) is that you are asking for data that sits in your entire application, and not local to the scope you are asking for.

我不会说这个答案是肯定的或没有答案。这个想法(与所有超级全局$ _GET $ _POST $ _SESSION一起)是您要求的数据位于整个应用程序中,而不是您要求的范围本地。

What can happen with these superglobals is that what if they change somewhere for whatever reason just before or (god forbid) during the execution of your function. That can turn out to be a very annoying bug to reproduce.


So I would say it is bad form.



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