I'm implementing Mozilla's persona authentication (ie browserid). So, I have the following onLogin():


function onLogin(pAssertion) {
    var sPHPSessionID = $.cookies.get("PHPSESSID")+'';
    var sFoolCache = new Date().getTime() + '' + Math.random();
        cache: false,
        type: 'POST',
        url: '/webservice.php?id=personaauth&u=i',
        data: { assertion: pAssertion, PHPSESSID: sPHPSessionID, z: sFoolCache },
        success: function(res, status, xhr) { alert("do reload");  },
        error: function(xhr, status, err) {
            alert("Login failure: " + err); 

Where there's the "alert("do reload")" I normally have a window.location.reload() call. The problem is that, nonetheless all my efforts to clear and not use the browser cache (Firefox), my /webservice.php page doesn't get called, at all. The ajax call immediately executes the "success" function (which keeps my window reloading in a dramatic loop, if I leave the "reload()" call in the code). I need the PHP session id in my /webservice.php call, so I pass the PHPSESSIONID cookie to the page.

哪里有“alert(”do reload“)”我通常有一个window.location.reload()调用。问题是,尽管如此,我所有努力清除并且不使用浏览器缓存(Firefox),我的/webservice.php页面根本没有被调用。 ajax调用立即执行“success”函数(如果我在代码中留下“reload()”调用,它会使我的窗口重新加载一个戏剧性的循环)。我需要在/webservice.php调用中使用PHP会话ID,因此我将PHPSESSIONID cookie传递给页面。

I cleared my firefox cache. I closed my browser, I added the 'sFoolCache' variable to the url (and not the post) but it didn't work either. I'm lost.


3 个解决方案



Looks like there's problem with passing URL, Try passing Full URL:


function onLogin(pAssertion) {
var sPHPSessionID = $.cookies.get("PHPSESSID")+'';
var sFoolCache = new Date().getTime() + '' + Math.random();
    cache: false,
    type: 'POST',
    url: 'FullURL and QUuerystring',
    data: { assertion: pAssertion, PHPSESSID: sPHPSessionID, z: sFoolCache },
    success: function(res, status, xhr) { alert("do reload");  },
    error: function(xhr, status, err) {
        alert("Login failure: " + err); 


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