this time I'm looking for something really special. In my PHP page, I got a table generated by a Javascript, here is the example :


Example Page


This table is racing game results. I didn't write the JS, and I can't change the format of the results. What I need is to parse these results to get variables, to generate championship results giving points to guys, adding points of multiple series, etc...


I tried :

我试过了 :

  • Parsing with DOMDocument, also substr, but as it's JS generated it can't work.


  • >>this solution<< which sounded good but it doesn't work.

    >>这个解决方案< <听起来不错,但不起作用。< p>

Do you guys have any idea to get an exploitable array ? If not, what do you suggest as alternative solution ? I'm not able to reproduce the JS in a PHP function, too hard.


Here is the JS : click Thank you !


1 个解决方案



Here's how you'd be able to parse the initial array in PHP:


$url = '';
$page = file_get_contents($url); // fetch the page

preg_match('/resultslines=(.+)print_race_analysis/sim', $page, $matches); // find javascript array
$js = preg_replace('/,\s+\]$/', ']', $matches[1]); // fix last comma before "]"

$array = json_decode($js); // decode the array
var_dump($array); // see the exact array you had in javascript

However, after reading your edit, it seems that you'd need more work if you're taking the PHP way. You might want to try to install NodeJS and make it parse the JS but might be an overkill. If I would you, I'd translate the JS to PHP even if it will take a day just because NodeJS might take a week instead.



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