For examlpe, if I have this:


<div id="blah" myattribute="something">whatever</div>

Can I be safe that no browsers will ignore (and thus render inaccessible from legacy JavaScript) the myattribute? I am aware that this is ugly and not standard, but is quite useful. Or if they do, would jQuery still be able to get them?


4 个解决方案



Browsers won't complain about unrecognized attributes, and Javascript and jQuery will still be able to access them:


console.log( $('#blah').attr('myattribute') ); // something
console.log( document.getElementById('blah').getAttribute('myattribute') ); // something

However you should use the HTML5 data-* attribute which is specifically for the purpose of custom attributes. jQuery has has the data() method for accessing/setting them:

但是,您应该使用HTML5 data-*属性,它是专门用于定制属性的。jQuery有数据()方法来访问/设置它们:

<div id="blah" data-myattribute="something">whatever</div>

console.log( $('#blah').data('myattribute') ); // something


  1. HTML5 数据集属性dataset
  2. Javascript学习:案例7--对象属性和方法的遍历、删除、添加.html
  3. javascript 构造函数中的属性与原型上属性优先级的比较
  4. 在jQuery中使用css transform属性
  5. javascript的offset、client、scroll使用方法,相关属性解释原理
  6. 如何将javascript set style属性返回到CSS默认值
  7. 对象的属性也要加引号吗
  8. javascript中的属性类型
  9. JQuery纯前端导入Excel文件,兼容IE10及IE9版本以下浏览器处理方法


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