I want to change the function of the "back" browser button. I tried with this:


window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    show_page(last_page, 'not-search'); 

and it works, in part: it calls the function but the browser navigates to the previous page anyway. Is there a solution for that?


EDIT I need to do that:

index(ajax content) ---user click--->other ajax content(i call it A content)
A content --->back button ---->previous index content


3 个解决方案



Return a string in your function to warn the user and give the option to cancel.


window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    show_page(last_page, 'not-search'); 
    return "please do not use the back button";

Completely disabling is both tricky and bad practise. Limiting the user in such a way could easily be seen as spam or unwanted behaviour.




After I have read your edit, I would suggest to use history.pushState whenever you are modifying the page with ajax. That way the backbutton will navigate to an earlier state which is what you want. Take a look at the history API for all functions you need.


When the previous button is pressed it will trigger window.onpopstate function where you can handle to load the correct content. See example below:


window.onpopstate = function(event) {
  alert("location: " + document.location + ", state: " + JSON.stringify(event.state));


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