I would like to have unique generated primary key that will take info from other field to create that code. For example, let say I would like to generate student ID based on year, and student's name, so my code will consist of string that has 3 letter and 4 digit. Student name: Jone year: 2015 so the generated code will be something like: jon2015


Please advice me how I should do it?


1 个解决方案



I built a Student Info System based on MySQL. I can tell you right away that building a unique ID based off a date and a name is the fastest way to get duplicates.


I suggest you generate the student IDs as a unique Int, just start the count at a high number, so you don't have an ID of 0001 or 1.


If you need a visually nicer representation of their ID, you can do something like:


[first initial][last name][last 4 of unique ID]

This will give you a more visually pleasing ID, but it will be based off a unique number. So JSmith1234



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