I'm using a framework (Django) and I have a lot of flexibility in how I write HTML. I keep thinking that the way I'm writing jQuery could be better.


Take this for example: mostly anywhere a submit button appears on our site, we convert it into a prettier button (takes the original values and behavior and replaces it basically). This is just an example but there are a lot of use cases where I have snippets of html placed on the site and the overarching structure has no idea what is on the page that need to be manipulated by Javascript. So 2 part question: is it efficient to execute something on 100 pages that will only be used on 50 (jQuery plugin that searches for a wrapped set first), and if I wanted to just really have a modular approach with my jQuery, how would I go about it?


3 个解决方案



If the fundamental concern in your question is about Modular programming. I am currently studying Douglas Crockford's "JavaScript: The Good Parts".

如果您的问题中的基本问题是关于模块化编程。我目前正在研究Douglas Crockford的“JavaScript:The Good Parts”。

From this book:


Functions are the fundamental modular unit of JavaScript. They are used for code reuse, information hiding, and composition.


So, as in javascript all functions are objects, you can use object literal notation to define top-level structures as modules in this way:


/* only one global variable to encapsulate all your code */

var MAINOBJ= {};

jQuery(document).ready(function($) {

    /* modules */

    MAINOBJ.formStuff = {
        results : [],
        myFunction: function (){
            // code
            results = MAINOBJ.ajaxStuff.loadResults();
            // code

    MAINOBJ.ajaxStuff = {
        results : [],
        loadResults: function (){
            // code
            return results;

    /* DOM traversing */

    $('#myForm').submit(function(e) {

Actually is my way to structure all my jquery code inside wordpress/joomla, etc., where we share the same scope with a lot of foreigner javascript code.

实际上是我在wordpress / joomla等中构建我所有jquery代码的方法,我们与很多外国人的javascript代码共享相同的范围。


  1. 如何将对象作为参数传播给函数?
  2. 来自jQuery的Javascript中的等效函数
  3. [生活娱乐] 从后端室友那学来的代码
  4. 深入理解javascript函数进阶系列第二篇——函数柯里化
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  6. 函数的作用是:在javascript中将时间戳转换为人工日期
  7. 使用HTML文件中的React调用.js文件中的Javascript函数
  8. 根据循环中的i改变函数中的参数
  9. iframe操作、调用父页面元素或js函数


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  3. 程序员还看带广告的小说?
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  5. PHP快速搭建一个简单的QQ机器人
  6. PHP实现驼峰命名和下划线命名互转
  7. PHP之你不得不知道的COOKIE含义及使用方
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  9. 如何用PHP代码生成金字塔
  10. PHP路由库FastRoute的使用教程