I am playing with the HTML5 canvas element, using JS to draw some rectangles on it and then move them around, changing size and colors, etc. Currently I use mostly native JS, with jQuery for the jCanvas plugin to draw the shapes on the canvas. This is all working nicely, but I think the code could be improved.

我正在使用HTML5 canvas元素,使用JS在其上绘制一些矩形,然后移动它们,改变大小和颜色等。目前我主要使用原生JS,jQuery用于jCanvas插件在画布上绘制形状。这一切都很好,但我认为代码可以改进。

Currently I store all rectangle properties in regular variables, like:


block1Height = 50;
block1Width = 50;
block1Color = '#000000';
block1X = 200;
block1Y = 100;
block2Height = 50;
block2Width = 50;

I am wondering whether it would be possible to just create instances of a 'block'-object. So I would have: an object called 'block', with properties 'height', 'width', 'color', etc. And then every time I create an instance of that object it has the default block properties.


The same goes for functions, I would like to do something like:



Is this possible in JS? What would be the correct way to do this?


2 个解决方案



You could create a Block constructor function, something like this:


var Block = function(width, height) {
    this.width = width || 50; //50 is the default
    this.height = height || 50; //50 is the default
    this.moveX = function(x) {
        console.log("Moving by " + x);

You can then create new instances of the Block "class" with the new operator:


var block1 = new Block();
block1.moveX(100); //Will print "Moving by 100"

The above would create a new Block instance with a width and height of 50 (because we didn't pass in a width or height argument). To create a bigger Block you could do:


var block2 = new Block(100, 100);

Note that (as stated in the comments) using this.moveX = function is not hugely efficient. It means every instance of Block has to have a copy of the moveX function in memory. You could improve this by adding the moveX method to the prototype:

请注意,使用this.moveX =函数(如注释中所述)并不是非常有效。这意味着Block的每个实例都必须在内存中包含moveX函数的副本。您可以通过将moveX方法添加到原型来改进这一点:

Block.prototype.moveX = function(x) {
    console.log("Moving by " + x);

This way, none of the Block instances have a copy of the method. When you call it, the instance itself is examined but no property with the name moveX is found, so the prototype is looked at instead. There is one copy of the method shared between all instances.



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