I'm making a tree of products and categories. the tree accepts the products to be exist in any category whether it is a parent node or a leaf.


here are my tables


#category table
|  ID  |  cat_name | parent_cat  |
|   1  |     TV    |     NULL    |
|   2  |    LCD    |      1      |
|   3  |   PLASMA  |      1      |

#product table
|  ID  |  prd_name |  prd_cat  |
|   1  |     LG    |     1     |
|   2  |     HD    |     2     |
|   3  |    FHD    |     2     |

what I want is to make a select query to retrieve the full tree containing all the categories and products.


I can retrieve the categories with this query


select cat1.cat_name lvl1, cat2.cat_name lvl2
from category cat1 left join category cat2 on cat1.ID = cat2.parent_cat
where cat1.parent_cat is null;

this gives me something like this


| lvl1 | lvl2 |
|  TV  |  LCD |

when I tried to join the products in the tree I used this query


select cat1.cat_name,cat2.cat_name,product.prd_name
from category cat1 left join category cat2 on cat1.ID = cat2.parent_cat
left join product on cat1.ID = product.prd_cat
where cat1.parent_cat is null;

but that sql gives me this result


|  cat_name |  cat_name |  prd_name |
|    TV     |    LCD    |     LG    |
|    TV     |   PLASMA  |     LG    |

I want the product table to be treated as the category (level 2) table so if a parent node like TV have some child categories and child products, I got them both. How to get a result tree like this one:


| tree_lvl_1  | tree_lvl_2 | tree_lvl_3 |
|      TV     |     LG     |    NULL    |
|      TV     |     LCD    |     HD     |
|      TV     |     LCD    |     FHD    |
|      TV     |   PLASMA   |    NULL    |

TV(category) > LG(product)

电视(类别)> LG(产品)

TV(category) > LCD(category) > HD(product)

电视(类别)> LCD(类别)> HD(产品)

TV(category) > LCD(category) > FHD(product)

电视(类别)> LCD(类别)> FHD(产品)

TV(category) > PLASMA(category)


edit: this question that you suggested is about building the tree of only categories, I know how to do that. my problem here is I have also "products" table that should join the tree as a node just like the category ! I want category and product tables be treated as one table(node)

2 个解决方案



You can solve this by first removing the complexity of having two tables. Create a view that combines category records with product records, like this:


create view combi as
  select 'P' as type, 
         prd_name as name, 
         prd_cat as parent_id
  from   product
  union all
  select 'C' as type, 
  from   category;

Now you can do the query based on this view, making sure to add the type requirement in the join condition:


select    lvl1.name as lvl1,
          lvl2.name as lvl2,
          lvl3.name as lvl3
from      combi as lvl1
left join combi as lvl2 on lvl1.id = lvl2.parent_id and lvl1.type = 'C'
left join combi as lvl3 on lvl2.id = lvl3.parent_id and lvl2.type = 'C'
where     lvl1.parent_id is null;

See it run on SQLFiddle:


| lvl1 |   lvl2 |   lvl3 |
|   TV |    LCD |     HD |
|   TV |    LCD |    FHD |
|   TV |     LG | (null) |
|   TV | PLASMA | (null) |


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