I've made a small little "application" utilizing Django as a framework. This is an application that is not ment to be deployed to a server but run locally on a machine. Thus the runserver.py works just nice.


I, as an developer is comfortable with fireing up the terminal, running python manage.py runserver.py and using it. But I have some Mac OS X and Windows friends wanting to use this. And they dont have virtualenv, and git and everything setup. Is there someway i can package this to be a standalone kinda product? Of course it would depend on Python being installed on the system, but it is possbile to package the virtualenv, with django and everything and just copy it to another system and make it work?

作为一名开发人员,我很乐于使用python管理的终端。py runserver。py和使用它。但我有一些Mac OS X和Windows的朋友想用这个。他们没有virtualenv, git和所有的设置。有什么办法可以把它打包成一个独立的产品吗?当然,这取决于系统上是否安装了Python,但是是否有必要将virtualenv打包,并使用django和其他东西,然后将其复制到另一个系统并使其工作?

And maybe even run the runserver in some kind a deamon mode?

甚至可以在deamon模式下运行runserver ?

6 个解决方案



Yes, you can package it. Django may not be the easiest to do this with, but the principles are the same for other frameworks. You need to make an installer that installs everything you need. And that installer needs to be different for different platforms. such as Windows, Ubuntu, OS X etc. That also means that the answer is significantly different for each platform, and only half of the answer is dependning on Django. :-(

是的,你可以打包。Django可能不是最容易做到这一点的,但是其他框架的原则是相同的。您需要安装一个安装程序来安装您需要的所有东西。不同的平台需要不同的安装程序。例如Windows、Ubuntu、OS X等,这也意味着每个平台的答案都有很大的不同,只有一半的答案取决于Django。:-(

This kinda sucks, but that's life, currently. There is no nice platform independent way to install software for end users.



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