So I'm trying to build a query to my SQL database from my backend (that's written in php with Laravel). I have a table in my database with a column that's titled "created_at", carrying values of the 'timestamp'-type. What I want to do is, when I send a query to my database, to only pick the rows (or instances, I guess) of my table that are created 30 days or less from the current date. I've tried experimenting back and forth with the 'where' keyword, but I couldn't get it to work as I wanted it to.


When I browse the table in my database, the dates are written in the format "YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss" but I'm not sure how to compare them when they're in this format, and I don't know how to convert them whilst doing a query. I've looked at the whereBetween() method in Laravel but I didn't get that to work since I didn't know how I would compare them.

当我在我的数据库中浏览表格时,日期以“YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss”的格式写出,但我不确定如何以这种格式比较它们,我不知道知道如何在进行查询时转换它们。我已经查看了Laravel中的whereBetween()方法,但由于我不知道如何比较它们,所以我没有这样做。

At the moment my query looks like this:


$topUser = DB::table('statistics')
            ->join('users', 'statistics.user_id', '=', '', 'inner')
            ->select('fname', 'user_id', DB::raw('sum(price) as total_collection'))

What I want to do, in pseudocode, is something along the lines of;


->where 'created_at' <= 30 days ago

Thanks in advance!


2 个解决方案



It's basically that simple.


->whereDate('created_at', '<=', \Carbon\Carbon::now()->subDays(30));


  1. 在PHP中如何取得两个日期时间相减的结果,得出大于一天,大于二天,大
  2. 当excel表格单元格的格式是日期格式非文本格式的时候,phpexcel 应
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  5. 在mysql shell中显示没有表行的查询结果(非表格输出)
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  7. MySQL -如何在最小/最大日期差异超过3年的情况下选择id
  8. MySQL表格查询基本语句2
  9. 你可以在android webview中自动链接日期吗?


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