I have a code of php:



$sContent = file_get_contents('http://iztv.com.tr/yayinakisiGunler.aspx?id=1');

$DOM = str_get_html($sContent);   

foreach($DOM -> find('table tr') as $tr)
    $saat = $tr -> find('td', 0)->innertext;
    $program = $tr -> find('td', 1)->innertext;
    $rating = $tr -> find('td', 2) -> find('img', 0);
        $rating = $tr -> find('td', 2) -> find('img', 0) -> src;
    $yayintipi = $tr -> find('td', 2) -> find('img', 1);
       $yayintipi = $tr -> find('td', 2) -> find('img', 1)->src;
    $detay = $tr -> find('td', 3) -> find('a', 0);
        $detay = $tr -> find('td', 3) -> find('a', 0) -> href;

    $arr['saat'] = $saat;
    $arr['program adi'] = $program;
    $arr['rating'] = $rating;
    $arr['yayin tipi'] = $yayintipi;
    $arr['detay'] = $detay;
echo json_encode($arr2, true);

When I write the path of php file in browser, it returns proper JSON like I wanted. There is no problem in here. But I want to use whatever link I want like these: "http://iztv.com.tr/yayinakisiGunler.aspx?id=2" or "http://iztv.com.tr/yayinakisiGunler.aspx?id=3" or other links etc.

当我在浏览器中编写php文件的路径时,它会返回我想要的正确JSON。这里没有问题。但我想使用我想要的任何链接:“http://iztv.com.tr/yayinakisiGunler.aspx?id=2”或“http://iztv.com.tr/yayinakisiGunler.aspx?id=3 “或其他链接等

How can I do that without changing the code and just writing an URL/path to browser?

如何在不更改代码的情况下执行此操作,只需将URL /路径写入浏览器即可?

1 个解决方案


If you call your script using a parameter i.e.



You can use the parameter called id in the script to control the parameter used on the site you get contents from.



if ( ! empty($_GET['id']) {
    $id = $_GET['id'];

} else {
    // got no parameter ERROR

    // or got no parameter assume 1
    $id = 1;

 $sContent = file_get_contents('http://iztv.com.tr/yayinakisiGunler.aspx?id=' . $id);

Of course you should sanitize the $_GET['id'] parameter before you actually use it, but I have left that for you to do.

当然你应该在实际使用它之前清理$ _GET ['id']参数,但是我已经把它留给了你。


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