the jquery plugin that im using is this


if i have a table like this


<th>first name </th>
<th>last name </th>

<td class="id">1</td>
<td class="fname">sarmen</td>
<td class="lname">mikey</td>

<td class="id">2</td>
<td class="fname">john</td>
<td class="lname">angelo</td>

<td class="id">3</td>
<td class="fname">sarmen</td>
<td class="lname">grande</td>

and my js looked something like this


    url: 'ajax.php',
    params: '',
    show_buttons: true          

then lets say i click on the first record to edit it which is fname of sarmen. how can i pass a param that only accociates id 1 ? because if i do a query of lets say

然后让我说我点击第一条记录来编辑它,这是sarmen的fname。我怎样才能通过一个只能跟踪id 1的param?因为如果我做一个查询,让我们说

"update tbl_users set fname = '$_POST['update_value']' where fname = '$_POST['original_html']'"

(note: im just showing an example so no need to clean posts if that was bothering you :) )


if i run this query the fname of sarmen will update in two records rather than one. How can i only update to id of 1 being to update only one record.


2 个解决方案



$("table tr").each(function(i, el) { 

   var tdId = $(el).find("");

       url: 'ajax.php',
       params: 'id=' + $(tdId).text(),
       show_buttons: true              



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