In Apress Pro Android 4 the author has said that:

在Apress Pro Android 4中,作者说过:

[...] context of currently running activity will no longer be valid when the device is rotated. [...] One approach is to use a weak reference to the activity instead of a hard reference [...]

当设备旋转时,[...]当前正在运行的活动的上下文将不再有效。 [...]一种方法是使用弱活动参考而不是硬参考[...]

But the author just suggest this, and does not tell how it is done. Who has done this before please give me an example.


3 个解决方案



Somewhere in your AsyncTask you'll want to pass in your activity. Then you'll save that reference in a weak reference. Then you can dereference and use it again in onPostExecute.


Class member:

WeakReference<Activity> weakActivity;

Somewhere in AsyncTask, probably either constructor or onPreExecute:


weakActivity = new WeakReference<Activity>(activity);

In onPostExecute:

Activity activity = weakActivity.get();
if (activity != null) {
   // do your stuff with activity here


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