I was using sometime ago the deep-insights.uncompressed.js library from cartoDB, but they now included it in the carto product in lib/assets/javascript/deep-insights but I don't know how to use it in my html pages, I've tried to

我之前使用过cartoDB中的deep-insights.uncompressed.js库,但他们现在将它包含在lib / assets / javascript / deep-insight中的carto产品中,但我不知道如何在我的html页面中使用它,我试过

<script src="./deep-insights/index.js"></script>

but it says that 'Uncaught ReferenceError: module is not defined at index.js:1'... Any ideas on how do I use it in my pages?


EDIT: The Github link


1 个解决方案



Disclaimer: I work at CARTO


That library was never officially released, nor supported. So I guess has evolved into a dependency for BUILDER and cannot be used outside easily. Instead, I would recommend migrating your code to CARTO.js 4. Soon (weeks) we'll release a visual components library to complement it that will make easy to develop dashboards, even tough it won't be easy as it was with Deep Insights.

该图书馆从未正式发布,也未得到支持。所以我猜想已经发展成为BUILDER的依赖,不能轻易在外面使用。相反,我建议将您的代码迁移到CARTO.js 4.很快(几个星期)我们将发布一个可视化组件库来补充它,这将使开发仪表板变得容易,即使很难实现它也不会像Deep那样容易洞察。


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