I have a ColdFusion page that on it, has several cfinclude template calls which include separate files into the page. I would like to update a javascript variable before each cfinclude template call. I've tried using:


<script type="text/javascript">
myvariable = 'new status';

However, the javascript doesn't get executed until every single template included on the page finishes processing, instead of before each one executes.


Is there some way I can actually execute javascript code AS the page loads?


1 个解决方案



You can accomplish this with <cfflush>.

您可以使用 完成此操作。

CFFlush will send the current HTML/javascript output to the browser as it continues to process. It would look something like this:

CFFlush会在继续处理时将当前的HTML / javascript输出发送到浏览器。它看起来像这样:

<CFInclude template="process1.cfm">
    <script type="text/javascript">
    myvariable = 'new status';
<CFInclude template="process2.cfm">

... and repeat.


The javascript will be interpreted by the browser as soon as it is loaded. This sometimes causes unpredictable behavior since the DOM is not complete and in a ready state, but for simple operations it works.


Edit: note that you often have to pad your output with something like <cfoutput>#repeatString(" ", 250)#</cfoutput> before the browser will process it. See http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2006/11/29/A-Loading-page-with-CFFLUSH-and-JavaScript

编辑:请注意,在浏览器处理输出之前,您经常需要使用 #repeatString(“”,250)# 之类的输出填充输出。请参阅http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2006/11/29/A-Loading-page-with-CFFLUSH-and-JavaScript


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