I am using Fullcalendar for jQuery and for some reason the calendar is appearing twice on the page. This is not a question about having two instances of fullcalendar on the same page.

我正在使用Fullcalendar for jQuery,由于某种原因,日历在页面上出现两次。这不是关于在同一页面上有两个fullcalendar实例的问题。

Rather, at the bottom of the first calendar, there is a second identical calendar.


I confirmed that there is only one #calendar div in my page, so the error has something to do with my .js that calls fullcalendar.js, I believe.

我确认我的页面中只有一个#calendar div,所以错误与调用fullcalendar.js的.js有关,我相信。

Any help much appreciated.


JS Code:


        year: jQuery.today.getFullYear(),
        month: jQuery.today.getMonth(),
        date: jQuery.today.getDate(),
        theme: true,
        contentHeight: 1000,
        header: {
            left: 'prev,next today',
            center: 'title',
            right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
        defaultView: 'agendaDay',
        dayClick: function(date, allDay, jsEvent, view) {
                           // a lot of custom code


<table><tr><td valign="top" width="700px"><div id="calendar"></div></td></tr></table>

Other call of fullcalendar in javascript (this puts a datepicker in div to left of #calendar div on same page):

javascript中对fullcalendar的其他调用(这会将一个datepicker放在同一页面上#calendar div左边的div中):

          defaultDate: jQuery.today,
          minDate: jQuery.startDate,
          maxDate: jQuery.endDate,
          inline: true,
          showButtonPanel: true,
          onSelect: function(dateText, inst) {
              var d = new Date(dateText);
              jQuery('#calendar').fullCalendar('gotoDate', d);
              selectedDate = d;

4 个解决方案



Add a.html(''); to function f() in the minified version.
I had mine open up in a dialog, every time I clicked a button to open there would be another calendar.
After a bit of reading, I found the method to use - .fullCalendar('destroy') - that way you do not need to edit the plugin.
Now, upon closing the dialog and re-opening, only one calendar appears.

添加a.html('');在缩小版本中运行f()。我在一个对话框中打开了我,每次点击一个按钮打开就会有另一个日历。经过一些阅读后,我找到了使用的方法 - .fullCalendar('destroy') - 这样你就不需要编辑插件了。现在,关闭对话框并重新打开后,只显示一个日历。


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