var formRenderData = [{
  "type": "checkbox-group",
  "label": "Checkbox Group",
  "className": "checkbox-group",
  "name": "checkbox-group-1479370460494",
  "values": [{
    "label": "Option 1",
    "value": "option-1",
    "selected": true
  }, {
    "label": "Option 2",
    "value": "option-2"
  }, {
    "label": "Option 3",
    "value": "option-3"
}, {
  "type": "paragraph",
  "subtype": "p",
  "label": "Paragraph",
  "className": "paragraph"

I am using grep to match object.


var InputName = 'checkbox-group-1479370460494';
var InputType = 'checkbox-group';

var returnedIndex = $.grep(formRenderData, function(element, index){
    if(( ( == InputName) || (element.label == InputName)|| ( == InputName.substr(0,InputName.length - 2)) ) && element.type == InputType){
        return index;


1 个解决方案



jQuery.grep filters an array, returning a list of the items that satisfied the filter function while leaving the original array untouched. (See the jQuery docs.)

jQuery.grep过滤一个数组,返回满足过滤功能的项目列表,同时保持原始数组不变。 (参见jQuery文档。)

I'm not sure why you wanted to access the index; I assume you wanted access to the original object that satisfied the filter. This could be accomplished by returning true from your filter function, and then looping through the matches array afterwards.


var InputName = 'checkbox-group-1479370460494';
var InputType = 'checkbox-group';
var formRenderData = [{"type": "checkbox-group","label": "Checkbox Group","className": "checkbox-group","name": "checkbox-group-1479370460494","values": [{"label": "Option 1","value": "option-1","selected": true},{"label": "Option 2","value": "option-2"},{"label": "Option 3","value": "option-3"}]},{"type": "paragraph","subtype": "p","label": "Paragraph","className": "paragraph"}]

var matches = $.grep(formRenderData, function(element, index){
    if(( ( == InputName) || (element.label == InputName)|| ( == InputName.substr(0,InputName.length - 2)) ) && element.type == InputType){
        return true

console.log(matches); // [Array]
<script src=""></script>


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